Interface ActivityObject

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface ActivityObject
    extends JsonAdaptable
    ActivityObject specifies a general object use with activities. Note that property names and descriptions were reused from Although that document specifies how activities are serialized in JSON the names and concepts can be reused. Additional properties and behaviors are added where the JSON abstraction is not suitable.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      ActivityObject[] getAttachments()
      An array of one or more additional, associated objects, similar to the concept of attached files in an email message.
      ActivityObject getAuthor()
      Describes the entity that created or authored the object.
      String getAuthorUserId()
      Returns the user id of the author of this activity object or null if this object was not created by a user present in this system.
      String getContent()
      Natural-language description of the object encoded as a single String containing HTML markup.
      String getDisplayName()
      A natural-language, human-readable and plain-text name for the object.
      String[] getDownstreamDuplicates()
      Am array of one or more absolute IRI's [RFC3987] identifying objects that duplicate this object's content.
      String getId()
      Provides a permanent, universally unique identifier for the object in the form of an absolute IRI [RFC3987].
      MediaLink getImage()
      Description of a resource providing a visual representation of the object, intended for human consumption.
      MutableActivityObject getMutableActivityObject()
      Returns a copy of this activity object that is mutable.
      String getObjectType()
      Identifies the type of object.
      ValueMap getProperties()
      Returns a read-only value map of the raw properties underlying this activity object.
      long getPublished()
      The date and time at which the object was published.
      String getSummary()
      Natural-language summarization of the object encoded as a single String containing HTML markup.
      long getUpdated()
      The date and time at which a previously published object has been modified.
      String[] getUpstreamDuplicates()
      An array of one or more absolute IRI's [RFC3987] identifying objects that duplicate this object's content.
      String getURL()
      An IRI [RFC3987] identifying a resource providing an HTML representation of the object.
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        String getId()
        Provides a permanent, universally unique identifier for the object in the form of an absolute IRI [RFC3987]. An object SHOULD contain a single id property. If an object does not contain an id property, consumers MAY use the value of the url property as a less-reliable, non-unique identifier.
      • getURL

        String getURL()
        An IRI [RFC3987] identifying a resource providing an HTML representation of the object. An object MAY contain a url property
      • getObjectType

        String getObjectType()
        Identifies the type of object. An object MAY contain an objectType property whose value is a String that is non-empty and matches either the "isegment-nz-nc" or the "IRI" production in [RFC3987]. Note that the use of a relative reference other than a simple name is not allowed. If no objectType property is contained, the object has no specific type.
      • getContent

        String getContent()
        Natural-language description of the object encoded as a single String containing HTML markup. Visual elements such as thumbnail images MAY be included. An object MAY contain a content property.
      • getDisplayName

        String getDisplayName()
        A natural-language, human-readable and plain-text name for the object. HTML markup MUST NOT be included. An object MAY contain a displayName property. If the object does not specify an objectType property, the object SHOULD specify a displayName.
      • getSummary

        String getSummary()
        Natural-language summarization of the object encoded as a single String containing HTML markup. Visual elements such as thumbnail images MAY be included. An activity MAY contain a summary property.
      • getImage

        MediaLink getImage()
        Description of a resource providing a visual representation of the object, intended for human consumption. An object MAY contain an image property whose value is a Media Link.
      • getAuthor

        ActivityObject getAuthor()
        Describes the entity that created or authored the object. An object MAY contain a single author property whose value is an Object of any type. Note that the author field identifies the entity that created the object and does not necessarily identify the entity that published the object. For instance, it may be the case that an object created by one person is posted and published to a system by an entirely different entity. Note that the author object might by dynamically generated based on the user id of the actual author, if present in the system.
      • getAuthorUserId

        String getAuthorUserId()
        Returns the user id of the author of this activity object or null if this object was not created by a user present in this system.
      • getPublished

        long getPublished()
        The date and time at which the object was published. An object MAY contain a published property.
      • getUpdated

        long getUpdated()
        The date and time at which a previously published object has been modified. An Object MAY contain an updated property.
      • getAttachments

        ActivityObject[] getAttachments()
        An array of one or more additional, associated objects, similar to the concept of attached files in an email message. An object MAY have an attachments property.
      • getDownstreamDuplicates

        String[] getDownstreamDuplicates()
        Am array of one or more absolute IRI's [RFC3987] identifying objects that duplicate this object's content. An object SHOULD contain a downstreamDuplicates property when there are known objects, possibly in a different system, that duplicate the content in this object. This MAY be used as a hint for consumers to use when resolving duplicates between objects received from different sources.
      • getUpstreamDuplicates

        String[] getUpstreamDuplicates()
        An array of one or more absolute IRI's [RFC3987] identifying objects that duplicate this object's content. An object SHOULD contain an upstreamDuplicates property when a publisher is knowingly duplicating with a new ID the content from another object. This MAY be used as a hint for consumers to use when resolving duplicates between objects received from different sources.
      • getProperties

        ValueMap getProperties()
        Returns a read-only value map of the raw properties underlying this activity object.
      • getMutableActivityObject

        MutableActivityObject getMutableActivityObject()
        Returns a copy of this activity object that is mutable. If this instance is already mutable this is returned.
        a mutable copy of this activity object.