Class DataWindow

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class DataWindow
    extends Obj
    • Constructor Detail

      • DataWindow

        public DataWindow()
    • Method Detail

      • addRecordGroup

        public void addRecordGroup​(DataNode dataGroup)
      • currentRecordNumber

        public int currentRecordNumber()
        Return the current record number.
        the current record number.
      • getClassAtom

        public String getClassAtom()
        Description copied from class: Obj
        Returns the atomic name of this element's class.
        getClassAtom in class Obj
        the class name as an interned string.
      • getClassName

        public String getClassName()
        Description copied from class: Obj
        Gets the name of this object's class. Overriden by derived classes such as Element that have a local name that may be returned instead.
        getClassName in class Obj
        the class name.
      • getScriptProperty

        public Arg getScriptProperty​(String sPropertyName)
      • gotoRecord

        public void gotoRecord​(int newRecord)
        Move the current record to a specific record.
        newRecord - the absolute record number.
      • isDefined

        public boolean isDefined()
        Determine if the data window is currently in a defined (valid) state. A data window is in this state if the current record index indicates a valid record. A data window is not defined if there are no records, or if the current record index has been positioned beyond the end of the records.
        true if dataWindow is defined, false otherwise.
      • isRecordGroup

        public boolean isRecordGroup​(DataNode dataGroup)
        Determine if a data group is a record.
        dataGroup - the data group in question.
        true if dataGroup is a data group, false otherwise.
      • isUpToDate

        public boolean isUpToDate()
      • moveCurrentRecord

        public void moveCurrentRecord​(int recordOffset)
        Move the current record by an amount relative to the current record.
        recordOffset - the number of records from the current record, positive or negative, by which the current record should move.
      • record

        public DataNode record​(int recordOffset)
        Return a record relative to the current record.
        recordOffset - the number of records from the current record, positive or negative (0 returns current record).
        the requested record.
      • recordAbsIndex

        public int recordAbsIndex​(int recordOffset)
      • recordsAfter

        public int recordsAfter()
        Determine the number of records after the current record in this window.
        the number of records after the current record.
      • recordsBefore

        public int recordsBefore()
        Determine the number of records before the current record in this window.
        the number of records before the current record.
      • removeRecordGroup

        public boolean removeRecordGroup​(DataNode dataGroup)
      • resetRecordDepth

        public void resetRecordDepth()
      • setScriptProperty

        public void setScriptProperty​(String sPropertyName,
                                      Arg propertyValue)
      • updateAfterLoad

        public void updateAfterLoad()