Class DataNode

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Element.DualDomNode, Peer

    public final class DataNode
    extends Element
    implements Element.DualDomNode
    DataNode is a class that combines what used to be two classes in the C++ code base: XFADataGroup and XFADataValue. Because of the revised DOM structure we're using in Java, we can't tell when an element is first created whether it's a dataGroup or dataValue. The easiest answer is to not differentiate. We'll set the classId after we load and rely on it to tell the difference.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DataNode

        public DataNode​(Element parent,
                        Node prevSibling)
      • DataNode

        public DataNode​(Element parent,
                        Node prevSibling,
                        String value)
        Constructor for (text-only) DataValues. Note the empty localName.
    • Method Detail

      • appendChild

        public void appendChild​(Node oChild,
                                boolean bValidate)
        Description copied from class: Element
        Appends the given child to this element.
        appendChild in class Element
        oChild - the child node being appended.
        bValidate - when true, ensures the given child is valid per the model's schema and throws an ExFull if not.
      • clearNull

        public void clearNull()
      • createChild

        public Node createChild​(boolean bIsLeaf,
                                String aName)
        create a new child that is appended to this node.
      • getContains

        public String getContains()
        Determine if a DataValue participates in its parent's value or is an attribute of the parent. The value returned is "data" or "metaData".
        String that determines if this data value should be included in its parent's value result or as an attribute of the parent.
      • getContentType

        public String getContentType()
        Determine the content type for a DataValue, e.g., text/html.
        String that determines the content type.
      • getDataDescription

        public DataNode getDataDescription()
      • getIsDDPlaceholder

        public boolean getIsDDPlaceholder()
      • getIsNull

        public boolean getIsNull()
        Description copied from class: Element
        Determine if this node contains a null value.
        getIsNull in class Element
        true if this node contains a null value, false otherwise.
        See Also:
      • getData

        public String getData()
        Description copied from class: Node
        Gets this node's data.
        getData in class Node
        the data appropriate for the various node types.
      • getFirstXFAChild

        public Node getFirstXFAChild()
        Gets this data element's first XFA child. Text nodes in the data model can't be exposed to counting, scripting, etc...
        getFirstXFAChild in class Element
        the first XFA child.
      • getNextXFASibling

        public Node getNextXFASibling()
        Gets this data element's next XFA sibling. Text nodes in the data model can't be exposed to counting, scripting, etc...
        getNextXFASibling in class Node
        the next XFA sibling.
      • getValue

        public String getValue()
        Get the value of the node.
        The string value of this node.
      • getValue

        public String getValue​(boolean bUseNull)
        Get the value of the node.
        The string value of this node.
      • isAttribute

        public boolean isAttribute()
        Does this data node correspond to an XML Attribute?
        true if this node corresponds to an XML Attribute.
      • getWeight

        public int getWeight()
      • insertChild

        public void insertChild​(Node oChild,
                                Node refChild,
                                boolean bValidate)
        Description copied from class: Element
        Inserts a child before a specific child in the child list.
        insertChild in class Element
        oChild - the child to be inserted
        refChild - the child to insert before
        bValidate - if true, validate the insertion
      • isContainer

        public boolean isContainer()
        Description copied from class: Node
        Check to see if this is a container object. A container is defined as something that is not a leaf node not properties ( [0..1] occurrences ). It does NOT indicate whether this node derives from XFAContainer
        isContainer in class Element
        true if this node is a container, false otherwise
      • isValidChild

        public boolean isValidChild​(int eTag,
                                    int nResId,
                                    boolean bBeforeInsert,
                                    boolean bOccurrenceErrorOnly)
        isValidChild in class Element
        eTag - the class tag of the node that will be or has been appended
        bBeforeInsert - if true, then the child has not yet been inserted into the child list of this element.
        true if eTag is a valid child.
        See Also:
        Element.isValidChild(int, int, boolean, boolean)
      • processTextChildrenDuringParse

        public boolean processTextChildrenDuringParse()
        Text children of data cannot be processed at parse time. This processing is deferred to postLoad processing.
        processTextChildrenDuringParse in class Element
        true if child text nodes should be processed at parse time.
      • remove

        public void remove()
        Removes this node fron its parent.
        remove in class Node
      • setContentType

        public void setContentType​(String contentType)
      • setDataDescription

        public void setDataDescription​(DataNode dataDescription)
      • setIsDDPlaceholder

        public void setIsDDPlaceholder​(boolean bIsDDPlaceholder)
      • setIsNull

        public void setIsNull​(boolean bNull,
                              boolean bNotify)
        Set the null status for this node
        bNull -
        bNotify -
      • setName

        public void setName​(String sName)
        Description copied from class: Element
        Sets this element's name attribute.
        setName in class Element
        sName - the name attribute value.
      • setPictureFormat

        public void setPictureFormat​(String sFormat,
                                     String sLocale,
                                     boolean bIsTextNode)
        Proprietary: set the data picture format for this data value Applicable to dataValue nodes
        sFormat -
        sLocale -
        bIsTextNode -
      • setPrivateName

        public void setPrivateName​(String sName)
        Description copied from class: Node
        used when resolving protos
        setPrivateName in class Node
      • setValue

        public void setValue​(String sValue,
                             boolean bNotify)
        Set the value of the node. Note! if a DataValue has child DataValues, setting the value will delete all children.
        sValue - - the new value for this node.
      • setWeight

        public int setWeight​(int nWeight)
      • isTransient

        public final boolean isTransient()
        Determine if this node is transient or not. Transient nodes are not saved when the DOM is written out.
        isTransient in class Node
        boolean transient status.
      • connectPeerToDocument

        public void connectPeerToDocument()
        Description copied from class: Element
        connectPeerToDocument() is used to rearrange the DOM tree when inserting or appending a node. It is provided here as a utility function for derived classes that could be adding child nodes, when peered against an orphan node. In particular, this happens with xfa:datasets and xfa:data, both of which may be created during the load process. On the C++ side, this method is only used by the data model. Due to the differences between the relationship of Documents and AppModels in Java, on the Java side it is also called when creating a DOM from scratch, from any ModelFactory's createDOM method. In the DataModel context at least, it should only be called if the DOM peer is an orphan. It takes that orphan and connects it to the document, and then moves the original peer of this node to be a child of the node that previously was orphaned.
        connectPeerToDocument in class Element