Class ExFull

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class ExFull
    extends ExceptionBase
    An exception class derived from ExceptionBase that simply consists of a collection of exceptions.

    Use this class to collect multiple errors when different areas of code need to add detail information to errors as they percolate up from several catch/throw blocks.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Instantiate a ExFull object with a single exception in its collection.
      ExFull​(int nResId)
      Instantiates an ExFull object with a single exception in its collection.
      ExFull​(int nResId, String p1)
      Constructor that accepts a positioned message format string with one parameter.
      ExFull​(MsgFormat oFormat)
      Instantiate a ExFull object with a single exception in its collection, whose resource property is the MsgFormatPos's resource property, and whose error message text property is the MsgFormatPos's string property.
      ExFull​(MsgFormatPos oFormat)
      Instantiate a ExFull object with a single exception in its collection, whose resource property is the MsgFormatPos's resource property, and whose error message text property is the MsgFormatPos's string property.
      ExFull​(Exception e)
      Instantiates an ExFull object with a single exception in its collection whose error message text property is the text of the given Java exception.
      ExFull​(String text, int resId)
      Constructor with resource ID and final string for a single error item.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ExFull

        public ExFull()
        Instantiate a ExFull object with a single exception in its collection.
      • ExFull

        public ExFull​(Exception e)
        Instantiates an ExFull object with a single exception in its collection whose error message text property is the text of the given Java exception.
        e - the Java exception.
      • ExFull

        public ExFull​(int nResId)
        Instantiates an ExFull object with a single exception in its collection.
        nResId - set this object's exception resource property to the given resource.
      • ExFull

        public ExFull​(int nResId,
                      String p1)
        Constructor that accepts a positioned message format string with one parameter.
        nResId - resource id of the message
        p1 - the single string parameter.
      • ExFull

        public ExFull​(String text,
                      int resId)
        Constructor with resource ID and final string for a single error item.

        In the C++ implementation, the constructor with resource ID and string parameters does no message formatting; it simply treats the given string as the formatted one. In Java, the constructor with similar signature uses the resource ID to get a formatting template and then formats the given string into that. Enough Java code has been written based on that behaviour that it cannot be made consistent with C++ at this point.

        This constructor provides the C++ behaviour, which is also necessary in Java. It reverses the order of the parameters to get a unique method signature.

        text - Final (unformatted) text for the single error item added to the exception.
        resId - Resource ID.
      • ExFull

        public ExFull​(MsgFormat oFormat)
        Instantiate a ExFull object with a single exception in its collection, whose resource property is the MsgFormatPos's resource property, and whose error message text property is the MsgFormatPos's string property.

        This c'tor is suitable only for resources whose associated message text is parameterized.

        oFormat - a Formatted message string
      • ExFull

        public ExFull​(MsgFormatPos oFormat)
        Instantiate a ExFull object with a single exception in its collection, whose resource property is the MsgFormatPos's resource property, and whose error message text property is the MsgFormatPos's string property.

        This c'tor is suitable only for resources whose associated message text is parameterized.

        oFormat - a Formatted message string
    • Method Detail

      • count

        public int count()
        Counts of the number of exceptions in this object's collection.
        Specified by:
        count in class ExceptionBase
        the count.
      • firstResId

        public int firstResId()
        Gets the resource property of the first exception in this object's collection.
        the resource.
      • getResId

        public int getResId​(int n)
        Gets the resource property of the n'th exception in this object's collection.
        n - the index of the zero-based n'th item.
        the resource.
      • hasResId

        public boolean hasResId​(int nResId)
        Determines if this object's collection of exceptions for a resource property that matches the given resource.
        nResId - the resource to search for.
        boolean true if found, and false if not.
      • insert

        public void insert​(ExFull source,
                           boolean bAppend)
        Inserts the given ExFull's collection of exceptions into this object's collection.
        source - the ExFull object to copy from.
        bAppend - boolean true to append at the end of this object's collection, and false to insert at the beginning of this object's collection. The default is to append at the end.
      • item

        public ExErrItem item​(int n)
        References the n'th exception in this object's collection.
        Specified by:
        item in class ExceptionBase
        n - the index of zero-based exception to return. Must be in the range 0 to Count() - 1.
        the n'th exception.
      • resolve

        public void resolve()
        Resolves this object's collection of exceptions, ensuring that any resource text associated with each of the exceptions' resource property has been loaded.
        Specified by:
        resolve in class ExceptionBase
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Concatenates all the error message text properties from this object's collection of exceptions.
        toString in class Throwable
        the concatenated error message texts. A newline character is appended to each error message texts.