Class ISODateTime

  • public class ISODateTime
    extends Object
    The class ISODateTime is a convenience class grouping the ISODate and ISOTime classes, to define objects in support of ISO8601/XFA date time patterns.

    A valid ISO8601/XFA date time string is the concatenation of a valid ISO8601/XFA date string and a valid ISO8601/XFA time string with the letter 'T' acting as a separator between the date and time elements of the string. See ISODate and ISOTime for the definitions of valid ISO8601/XFA date and time patterns. Here's a snippet of code illustrating the use of ISODateTime to reformat an ISO8601/XFA datetime string

          #include <pub/ut/isodatetime.h>       // for defn of ISODateTime.
          #include <pub/ut/string.h>            // for defn of String.
          ISODateTime dt("2000-02-28T11:12:13-05:00");
          String s("Unknown");
          if (dt.isValid())
              s = dt.format(ISODateTime.getXFA_DATETIME_FMT1());
          printf("%S\n", (const wchar_t *) s);
    • Field Detail


        public static final String XFA_DATETIME_FMT1
        An ISO8601/XFA date time pattern string: YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS.FFFz.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String XFA_DATETIME_FMT2
        An alternate ISO8601/XFA date time pattern string: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.FFFzz.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • ISODateTime

        public ISODateTime()
        Instantiate an ISODateTime object from today's date and time.
      • ISODateTime

        public ISODateTime​(String datetime,
                           String datelocale,
                           String timelocale)
        Instantiate an ISODateTime object from the given date time string.
        datetime - an ISO8601/XFA date time string.
        datelocale - a date locale name.
        timelocale - a time locale name.
    • Method Detail

      • setLocalTime

        public void setLocalTime()
        Set this object to operate on local (date and) time as opposed to the default, which is Greenwich Mean (date and) time. Any subsequent calls to the format method will result in date time strings that are expressed in local time.
      • setGMTime

        public void setGMTime()
        Set this object to operate on Greenwich Mean (date and) time, which is the default. Any subsequent calls to the format method will result in date time strings that are expressed in Greenwich Mean time.
      • format

        public String format​(String isoformat)
        Format this object given the ISO datetime format string.
        isoformat - an ISO8601/XFA date time format string.
        the date time string formatted according to the given format string, upon success, or the empty string, upon error.
      • isValid

        public boolean isValid()
        Determine if this object is valid.
        boolean true if valid, and false otherwise.
      • getDate

        public ISODate getDate()
        Get date component of this object
      • getTime

        public ISOTime getTime()
        Get time component of this object