Class ThreadFactoryBuilder

    • Constructor Detail

      • ThreadFactoryBuilder

        public ThreadFactoryBuilder()
        Creates a new ThreadFactory builder.
    • Method Detail

      • setNameFormat

        public ThreadFactoryBuilder setNameFormat​(String nameFormat)
        Sets the naming format to use when naming threads (Thread.setName(java.lang.String)) which are created with this ThreadFactory.
        nameFormat - a String.format(String, Object...)-compatible format String, to which a unique integer (0, 1, etc.) will be supplied as the single parameter. This integer will be unique to the built instance of the ThreadFactory and will be assigned sequentially. For example, "rpc-pool-%d" will generate thread names like "rpc-pool-0", "rpc-pool-1", "rpc-pool-2", etc.
        this for the builder pattern
      • setDaemon

        public ThreadFactoryBuilder setDaemon​(boolean daemon)
        Sets daemon or not for new threads created with this ThreadFactory.
        daemon - whether or not new Threads created with this ThreadFactory will be daemon threads
        this for the builder pattern
      • setPriority

        public ThreadFactoryBuilder setPriority​(int priority)
        Sets the priority for new threads created with this ThreadFactory.
        priority - the priority for new Threads created with this ThreadFactory
        this for the builder pattern
      • setThreadFactory

        public ThreadFactoryBuilder setThreadFactory​(ThreadFactory backingThreadFactory)
        Sets the backing ThreadFactory for new threads created with this ThreadFactory. Threads will be created by invoking #newThread(Runnable) on this backing ThreadFactory.
        backingThreadFactory - the backing ThreadFactory which will be delegated to during thread creation.
        this for the builder pattern
        See Also:
      • build

        public ThreadFactory build()
        Returns a new thread factory using the options supplied during the building process. After building, it is still possible to change the options used to build the ThreadFactory and/or build again. State is not shared amongst built instances.
        the fully constructed ThreadFactory