Class TransformedMultiValuedMap<K,​V>

  • Type Parameters:
    K - the type of the keys in this map
    V - the type of the values in this map
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, MultiValuedMap<K,​V>

    public class TransformedMultiValuedMap<K,​V>
    extends AbstractMultiValuedMapDecorator<K,​V>
    Decorates another MultiValuedMap to transform objects that are added.

    This class affects the MultiValuedMap put methods. Thus objects must be removed or searched for using their transformed form. For example, if the transformation converts Strings to Integers, you must use the Integer form to remove objects.

    Note that TransformedMultiValuedMap is not synchronized and is not thread-safe.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Method Detail

      • transformingMap

        public static <K,​V> TransformedMultiValuedMap<K,​V> transformingMap​(MultiValuedMap<K,​V> map,
                                                                                       Transformer<? super K,​? extends K> keyTransformer,
                                                                                       Transformer<? super V,​? extends V> valueTransformer)
        Factory method to create a transforming MultiValuedMap.

        If there are any elements already in the map being decorated, they are NOT transformed. Contrast this with transformedMap(MultiValuedMap, Transformer, Transformer).

        Type Parameters:
        K - the key type
        V - the value type
        map - the MultiValuedMap to decorate, may not be null
        keyTransformer - the transformer to use for key conversion, null means no conversion
        valueTransformer - the transformer to use for value conversion, null means no conversion
        a new transformed MultiValuedMap
        NullPointerException - if map is null
      • transformedMap

        public static <K,​V> TransformedMultiValuedMap<K,​V> transformedMap​(MultiValuedMap<K,​V> map,
                                                                                      Transformer<? super K,​? extends K> keyTransformer,
                                                                                      Transformer<? super V,​? extends V> valueTransformer)
        Factory method to create a transforming MultiValuedMap that will transform existing contents of the specified map.

        If there are any elements already in the map being decorated, they will be transformed by this method. Contrast this with transformingMap(MultiValuedMap, Transformer, Transformer).

        Type Parameters:
        K - the key type
        V - the value type
        map - the MultiValuedMap to decorate, may not be null
        keyTransformer - the transformer to use for key conversion, null means no conversion
        valueTransformer - the transformer to use for value conversion, null means no conversion
        a new transformed MultiValuedMap
        NullPointerException - if map is null
      • put

        public boolean put​(K key,
                           V value)
        Description copied from interface: MultiValuedMap
        Adds a key-value mapping to this multi-valued map.

        Unlike a normal Map the previous value is not replaced. Instead the new value is added to the collection stored against the key. Depending on the collection type used, duplicate key-value mappings may be allowed.

        The method will return true if the size of the multi-valued map has been increased because of this operation.

        Specified by:
        put in interface MultiValuedMap<K,​V>
        put in class AbstractMultiValuedMapDecorator<K,​V>
        key - the key to store against
        value - the value to add to the collection at the key
        true if the map changed as a result of this put operation, or false if the map already contained the key-value mapping and the collection type does not allow duplicate values, e.g. when using a Set
      • putAll

        public boolean putAll​(K key,
                              Iterable<? extends V> values)
        Description copied from interface: MultiValuedMap
        Adds a mapping to the specified key for all values contained in the given Iterable.
        Specified by:
        putAll in interface MultiValuedMap<K,​V>
        putAll in class AbstractMultiValuedMapDecorator<K,​V>
        key - the key to store against
        values - the values to add to the collection at the key, may not be null
        true if the map changed as a result of this operation
      • putAll

        public boolean putAll​(Map<? extends K,​? extends V> map)
        Description copied from interface: MultiValuedMap
        Copies all mappings from the specified map to this multi-valued map (optional operation).

        The effect of this call is equivalent to that of calling put(k, v) on this map once for each mapping from key k to value v in the specified map.

        The behavior of this operation is undefined if the specified map is modified while the operation is in progress.

        Specified by:
        putAll in interface MultiValuedMap<K,​V>
        putAll in class AbstractMultiValuedMapDecorator<K,​V>
        map - mappings to be stored in this map, may not be null
        true if the map changed as a result of this operation
      • putAll

        public boolean putAll​(MultiValuedMap<? extends K,​? extends V> map)
        Description copied from interface: MultiValuedMap
        Copies all mappings from the specified map to this multi-valued map (optional operation).

        The effect of this call is equivalent to that of calling put(k, v) on this map once for each mapping from key k to value v in the specified map.

        The behavior of this operation is undefined if the specified map is modified while the operation is in progress.

        Specified by:
        putAll in interface MultiValuedMap<K,​V>
        putAll in class AbstractMultiValuedMapDecorator<K,​V>
        map - mappings to be stored in this map, may not be null
        true if the map changed as a result of this operation