Class Parameters

    • Field Detail


        public static final int TRUE_MIN_BACK_REFERENCE_LENGTH
        The hard-coded absolute minimal length of a back-reference.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • builder

        public static Parameters.Builder builder​(int windowSize)
        Initializes the builder for the compressor's parameters with a minBackReferenceLength of 3 and max*Length equal to windowSize - 1.

        It is recommended to not use this method directly but rather tune a pre-configured builder created by a format specific factory like SnappyCompressorOutputStream.createParameterBuilder(int).

        windowSize - the size of the sliding window - this determines the maximum offset a back-reference can take. Must be a power of two.
        a builder configured for the given window size
        IllegalArgumentException - if windowSize is not a power of two.
      • getWindowSize

        public int getWindowSize()
        Gets the size of the sliding window - this determines the maximum offset a back-reference can take.
        the size of the sliding window
      • getMinBackReferenceLength

        public int getMinBackReferenceLength()
        Gets the minimal length of a back-reference found.
        the minimal length of a back-reference found
      • getMaxBackReferenceLength

        public int getMaxBackReferenceLength()
        Gets the maximal length of a back-reference found.
        the maximal length of a back-reference found
      • getMaxOffset

        public int getMaxOffset()
        Gets the maximal offset of a back-reference found.
        the maximal offset of a back-reference found
      • getMaxLiteralLength

        public int getMaxLiteralLength()
        Gets the maximal length of a literal block.
        the maximal length of a literal block
      • getNiceBackReferenceLength

        public int getNiceBackReferenceLength()
        Gets the length of a back-reference that is considered nice enough to stop searching for longer ones.
        the length of a back-reference that is considered nice enough to stop searching
      • getMaxCandidates

        public int getMaxCandidates()
        Gets the maximum number of back-reference candidates to consider.
        the maximum number of back-reference candidates to consider
      • getLazyMatching

        public boolean getLazyMatching()
        Gets whether to perform lazy matching.
        whether to perform lazy matching
      • getLazyMatchingThreshold

        public int getLazyMatchingThreshold()
        Gets the threshold for lazy matching.
        the threshold for lazy matching