Class HSLFMetroShape<T extends Shape<?,​?>>

  • @Internal
    public class HSLFMetroShape<T extends Shape<?,​?>>
    extends Object
    Experimental class for metro blobs, i.e. an alternative escher property containing an ooxml representation of the shape
    • Constructor Detail

      • HSLFMetroShape

        public HSLFMetroShape​(HSLFShape shape)
    • Method Detail

      • getMetroBytes

        public byte[] getMetroBytes()
        the bytes of the metro blob, which are bytes of an OPCPackage, i.e. a zip stream
      • hasMetroBlob

        public boolean hasMetroBlob()
        if there's a metro blob to extract
      • getShape

        public T getShape()
        the metro blob shape or null if either there's no metro blob or the ooxml classes aren't in the classpath