Class Modification

  • public class Modification
    extends Object
    • Method Detail

      • getSource

        public String getSource()
      • getDestination

        public String getDestination()
      • onModified

        public static Modification onModified​(String path)
        Records a 'modified' change
        path - path of the item that was modified
      • onCreated

        public static Modification onCreated​(String path)
        Records a 'created' change
        path - path of the item that was created
      • onDeleted

        public static Modification onDeleted​(String path)
        Records a 'deleted' change
        path - path of the item that was deleted
      • onMoved

        public static Modification onMoved​(String srcPath,
                                           String dstPath)
        Records a 'moved' change.

        Note: the moved change only records the basic move command. the implied changes on the moved properties and sub nodes are not recorded.

        srcPath - source path of the node that was moved
        dstPath - destination path of the node that was moved.
      • onCopied

        public static Modification onCopied​(String srcPath,
                                            String dstPath)
        Records a 'copied' change.

        Note: the copy change only records the basic copy command. the implied changes on the copied properties and sub nodes are not recorded.

        srcPath - source path of the node that was copied
        dstPath - destination path of the node that was copied.
      • onOrder

        public static Modification onOrder​(String orderedPath,
                                           String beforeSibling)
        Records a 'order' change.
        orderedPath - Path of the node that was reordered
        beforeSibling - Name of the sibling node before which the source node has been inserted.