Package org.joda.time

Interface ReadableInstant

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Subinterfaces:
    ReadableDateTime, ReadWritableDateTime, ReadWritableInstant
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    AbstractDateTime, AbstractInstant, BaseDateTime, DateMidnight, DateTime, Instant, MutableDateTime

    public interface ReadableInstant
    extends Comparable<ReadableInstant>
    Defines an instant in the datetime continuum. This interface expresses the datetime as milliseconds from 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z.

    The implementation of this interface may be mutable or immutable. This interface only gives access to retrieve data, never to change it.

    Methods in your application should be defined using ReadableInstant as a parameter if the method only wants to read the instant without needing to know the specific datetime fields.

    The compareTo method is no longer defined in this class in version 2.0. Instead, the definition is simply inherited from the Comparable interface. This approach is necessary to preserve binary compatibility. The definition of the comparison is ascending order by millisecond instant. Implementors are recommended to extend AbstractInstant instead of this interface.

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean equals​(Object readableInstant)
      Compares this object with the specified object for equality based on the millisecond instant and the Chronology.
      int get​(DateTimeFieldType type)
      Get the value of one of the fields of a datetime.
      Chronology getChronology()
      Gets the chronology of the instant.
      long getMillis()
      Get the value as the number of milliseconds since the epoch, 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z.
      DateTimeZone getZone()
      Gets the time zone of the instant from the chronology.
      int hashCode()
      Gets a hash code for the instant that is compatible with the equals method.
      boolean isAfter​(ReadableInstant instant)
      Is this instant after the instant passed in comparing solely by millisecond.
      boolean isBefore​(ReadableInstant instant)
      Is this instant before the instant passed in comparing solely by millisecond.
      boolean isEqual​(ReadableInstant instant)
      Is this instant equal to the instant passed in comparing solely by millisecond.
      boolean isSupported​(DateTimeFieldType field)
      Checks whether the field type specified is supported by this implementation.
      Instant toInstant()
      Get the value as a simple immutable Instant object.
      String toString()
      Get the value as a String in a recognisable ISO8601 format.
    • Method Detail

      • getMillis

        long getMillis()
        Get the value as the number of milliseconds since the epoch, 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z.
        the value as milliseconds
      • getChronology

        Chronology getChronology()
        Gets the chronology of the instant.

        The Chronology provides conversion from the millisecond value to meaningful fields in a particular calendar system.

        the Chronology, never null
      • getZone

        DateTimeZone getZone()
        Gets the time zone of the instant from the chronology.
        the DateTimeZone that the instant is using, never null
      • get

        int get​(DateTimeFieldType type)
        Get the value of one of the fields of a datetime.

        This method uses the chronology of the instant to obtain the value.

        type - a field type, usually obtained from DateTimeFieldType, not null
        the value of that field
        IllegalArgumentException - if the field type is null
      • isSupported

        boolean isSupported​(DateTimeFieldType field)
        Checks whether the field type specified is supported by this implementation.
        field - the field type to check, may be null which returns false
        true if the field is supported
      • toInstant

        Instant toInstant()
        Get the value as a simple immutable Instant object.

        This can be useful if you don't trust the implementation of the interface to be well-behaved, or to get a guaranteed immutable object.

        the value as an Instant object
      • isEqual

        boolean isEqual​(ReadableInstant instant)
        Is this instant equal to the instant passed in comparing solely by millisecond.
        instant - an instant to check against, null means now
        true if the instant is equal to the instant passed in
      • isAfter

        boolean isAfter​(ReadableInstant instant)
        Is this instant after the instant passed in comparing solely by millisecond.
        instant - an instant to check against, null means now
        true if the instant is after the instant passed in
      • isBefore

        boolean isBefore​(ReadableInstant instant)
        Is this instant before the instant passed in comparing solely by millisecond.
        instant - an instant to check against, null means now
        true if the instant is before the instant passed in
      • equals

        boolean equals​(Object readableInstant)
        Compares this object with the specified object for equality based on the millisecond instant and the Chronology. All ReadableInstant instances are accepted.

        To compare two instants for absolute time (ie. UTC milliseconds ignoring the chronology), use isEqual(ReadableInstant) or Comparable.compareTo(Object).

        equals in class Object
        readableInstant - a readable instant to check against
        true if millisecond and chronology are equal, false if not or the instant is null or of an incorrect type
      • hashCode

        int hashCode()
        Gets a hash code for the instant that is compatible with the equals method.

        The formula used must be as follows:

         ((int) (getMillis() ^ (getMillis() >>> 32))) +
        hashCode in class Object
        a hash code as defined above
      • toString

        String toString()
        Get the value as a String in a recognisable ISO8601 format.

        The string output is in ISO8601 format to enable the String constructor to correctly parse it.

        toString in class Object
        the value as an ISO8601 string