Class AbstractPartial

    • Method Detail

      • getFieldTypes

        public DateTimeFieldType[] getFieldTypes()
        Gets an array of the field types that this partial supports.

        The fields are returned largest to smallest, for example Hour, Minute, Second.

        the fields supported in an array that may be altered, largest to smallest
      • getFields

        public DateTimeField[] getFields()
        Gets an array of the fields that this partial supports.

        The fields are returned largest to smallest, for example Hour, Minute, Second.

        the fields supported in an array that may be altered, largest to smallest
      • getValues

        public int[] getValues()
        Gets an array of the value of each of the fields that this partial supports.

        The fields are returned largest to smallest, for example Hour, Minute, Second. Each value corresponds to the same array index as getFields()

        the current values of each field in an array that may be altered, largest to smallest
      • get

        public int get​(DateTimeFieldType type)
        Get the value of one of the fields of a datetime.

        The field specified must be one of those that is supported by the partial.

        Specified by:
        get in interface ReadablePartial
        type - a DateTimeFieldType instance that is supported by this partial
        the value of that field
        IllegalArgumentException - if the field is null or not supported
      • isSupported

        public boolean isSupported​(DateTimeFieldType type)
        Checks whether the field specified is supported by this partial.
        Specified by:
        isSupported in interface ReadablePartial
        type - the type to check, may be null which returns false
        true if the field is supported
      • indexOf

        public int indexOf​(DateTimeFieldType type)
        Gets the index of the specified field, or -1 if the field is unsupported.
        type - the type to check, may be null which returns -1
        the index of the field, -1 if unsupported
      • toDateTime

        public DateTime toDateTime​(ReadableInstant baseInstant)
        Resolves this partial against another complete instant to create a new full instant. The combination is performed using the chronology of the specified instant.

        For example, if this partial represents a time, then the result of this method will be the datetime from the specified base instant plus the time from this partial.

        Specified by:
        toDateTime in interface ReadablePartial
        baseInstant - the instant that provides the missing fields, null means now
        the combined datetime
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object partial)
        Compares this ReadablePartial with another returning true if the chronology, field types and values are equal.
        Specified by:
        equals in interface ReadablePartial
        equals in class Object
        partial - an object to check against
        true if fields and values are equal
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Gets a hash code for the ReadablePartial that is compatible with the equals method.
        Specified by:
        hashCode in interface ReadablePartial
        hashCode in class Object
        a suitable hash code
      • compareTo

        public int compareTo​(ReadablePartial other)
        Compares this partial with another returning an integer indicating the order.

        The fields are compared in order, from largest to smallest. The first field that is non-equal is used to determine the result.

        The specified object must be a partial instance whose field types match those of this partial.

        NOTE: Prior to v2.0, the Comparable interface was only implemented in this class and not in the ReadablePartial interface.

        Specified by:
        compareTo in interface Comparable<ReadablePartial>
        other - an object to check against
        negative if this is less, zero if equal, positive if greater
        ClassCastException - if the partial is the wrong class or if it has field types that don't match
        NullPointerException - if the partial is null
      • isAfter

        public boolean isAfter​(ReadablePartial partial)
        Is this partial later than the specified partial.

        The fields are compared in order, from largest to smallest. The first field that is non-equal is used to determine the result.

        You may not pass null into this method. This is because you need a time zone to accurately determine the current date.

        partial - a partial to check against, must not be null
        true if this date is after the date passed in
        IllegalArgumentException - if the specified partial is null
        ClassCastException - if the partial has field types that don't match
      • isBefore

        public boolean isBefore​(ReadablePartial partial)
        Is this partial earlier than the specified partial.

        The fields are compared in order, from largest to smallest. The first field that is non-equal is used to determine the result.

        You may not pass null into this method. This is because you need a time zone to accurately determine the current date.

        partial - a partial to check against, must not be null
        true if this date is before the date passed in
        IllegalArgumentException - if the specified partial is null
        ClassCastException - if the partial has field types that don't match
      • isEqual

        public boolean isEqual​(ReadablePartial partial)
        Is this partial the same as the specified partial.

        The fields are compared in order, from largest to smallest. If all fields are equal, the result is true.

        You may not pass null into this method. This is because you need a time zone to accurately determine the current date.

        partial - a partial to check against, must not be null
        true if this date is the same as the date passed in
        IllegalArgumentException - if the specified partial is null
        ClassCastException - if the partial has field types that don't match
      • toString

        public String toString​(DateTimeFormatter formatter)
        Uses the specified formatter to convert this partial to a String.
        formatter - the formatter to use, null means use toString().
        the formatted string