Class CyclicBuffer<E>

  • public class CyclicBuffer<E>
    extends Object
    CyclicBuffer holds values in a cyclic array.

    It allows read access to any element in the buffer not just the first or last element.

    • Constructor Detail

      • CyclicBuffer

        public CyclicBuffer​(int maxSize)
                     throws IllegalArgumentException
        Instantiate a new CyclicBuffer of at most maxSize events. The maxSize argument must a positive integer.
        maxSize - The maximum number of elements in the buffer.
    • Method Detail

      • clear

        public void clear()
        Clears the buffer and resets all attributes.
      • add

        public void add​(E event)
        Add an event as the last event in the buffer.
      • get

        public E get​(int i)
        Get the ith oldest event currently in the buffer. If i is outside the range 0 to the number of elements currently in the buffer, then null is returned.
      • getMaxSize

        public int getMaxSize()
      • get

        public E get()
        Get the oldest (first) element in the buffer. The oldest element is removed from the buffer.
      • asList

        public List<E> asList()
      • length

        public int length()
        Get the number of elements in the buffer. This number is guaranteed to be in the range 0 to maxSize (inclusive).
      • resize

        public void resize​(int newSize)
        Resize the cyclic buffer to newSize.
        IllegalArgumentException - if newSize is negative.