Class Permissions

  • @Model(adaptables=SlingHttpServletRequest.class)
    public final class Permissions
    extends Object
    Representation of a Principal and its allowed actions. This class is suitable for administering the permissions of Principals The permissions are associated with the resource provided via the item request parameter. We are not displaying the data of the current resource but from a given resource It also provides a Json representation of the current permissions object
    • Constructor Detail

      • Permissions

        public Permissions()
    • Method Detail

      • getPath

        public String getPath()
        Returns the path of the component
      • canEditAcl

        public boolean canEditAcl()
        Does the actual user have rights to edit the given resource
      • canRead

        public boolean canRead()
        Can the Principal read the given resource
      • canModify

        public boolean canModify()
        Can the Principal modify the given resource
      • canDelete

        public boolean canDelete()
        Can the Principal delete the given resource
      • canReplicate

        public boolean canReplicate()
        Can the Principal replicate the given resource
      • canCreate

        public boolean canCreate()
        Can the Principal create child resources of the given resource