Class IdRequiredDataBuilder<T extends GenericDataBuilder<T,​K>,​K>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - The data builder type.
    K - The data type.

    public final class IdRequiredDataBuilder<T extends GenericDataBuilder<T,​K>,​K>
    extends Object
    Temporary data builder that requires an ID supplier to be set. This is typically used as the first level of a data builder to ensure that the caller specifies the ID field value as required by the ComponentData interface.
    • Method Detail

      • withId

        public T withId​(@NotNull
                        @NotNull Supplier<@NotNull String> supplier)
        Set the supplier that supplies the component's ID.
        supplier - The ID value supplier.
        A new data builder.
        See Also:
        ComponentData.getId(), AssetData.getId()