Class SeacPhase

  • public final class SeacPhase
    extends Object
    An "enum" that describes the phases of seac that a type1 or type2 outline parser can be in.


    This class is immutable after contruction and contains no mutable static data. It is therefore threadsafe.
    • Field Detail

      • seacNone

        public static final SeacPhase seacNone
        No seac has been seen in the current glyph
      • seacBase

        public static final SeacPhase seacBase
        The base glyph is being parsed
      • seacAccentPreMove

        public static final SeacPhase seacAccentPreMove
        The accent glyph is being parsed and the first moveto has not been seen
      • seacAccentPostMove

        public static final SeacPhase seacAccentPostMove
        The accent glyph is being parsed and the first moveto has been seen