Class FontResolutionPriority

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class FontResolutionPriority
    extends Object
    implements Serializable
    This class provides an enumeration of the allowable values for use in setting the resolution priority in the variety of font sets that are stored in CAFE. Not every font set uses every font resolution priority. Examples of the use of these priority levels are available in: CSS20FontSet.setResolutionPriority. PSNameResolver.setResolutionPriority.


    Instances of this class are immutable after construction and contain no mutable static data. Therefore, they are threadsafe.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail


        public static final FontResolutionPriority INTELLIGENT_LAST
        In the case of conflicts choose the font using an "intelligent" font resolution process. If two fonts appear to be the same under "intelligent" selection choose the one that was added last.

        public static final FontResolutionPriority INTELLIGENT_FIRST
        In the case of conflicts choose the font using an "intelligent" font resolution process. If two fonts appear to be the same under "intelligent" selection choose the one that was added last.
      • FIRST

        public static final FontResolutionPriority FIRST
        In the case of conflicts choose the font which was added to the font set first.
      • LAST

        public static final FontResolutionPriority LAST
        In the case of conflicts choose the font which was added to the font set last.
    • Method Detail

      • parse

        public static FontResolutionPriority parse​(String text)
        Parse the text and return the FontResolutionPriority object which is represented if any.
        text - textual representation of the resolution priority
        FontResolutionPriority represented by the text value