Interface HtmlLibraryManager

  • @ProviderType
    public interface HtmlLibraryManager
    HtmlLibraryManager provides access to repository defined html libraries.
    • Field Detail


        static final String PARAM_DEBUG_CONSOLE
        request parameter name for enabling debug console (firebug + cq logging)
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final String PARAM_DEBUG_CLIENT_LIBS
        request parameter name for turning on HtmlLibraryServlet debugging
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final String REQUEST_ATTR_FORCE_CQ_URLINFO
        Request attribute flag that forces the inclusion of the CQURLInfo
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • writeJsInclude

        void writeJsInclude​(SlingHttpServletRequest request,
                            Writer out,
                            String... categories)
                     throws IOException
        Writes the JS include snippets to the given writer. The paths to the JS libraries are included that match the given categories. Note that themed and non-themed libraries are included. If the request contains a "forceTheme" parameter, the themed libraries are overlaid with their respective counterparts with that given theme.
        request - request
        out - writer
        categories - categories
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs
      • writeJsInclude

        void writeJsInclude​(SlingHttpServletRequest request,
                            Writer out,
                            boolean themed,
                            String... categories)
                     throws IOException
        Writes the JS include snippets to the given writer. The paths to the JS libraries are included that match the given categories. If themed is false, only non-themed libraries are included. If themed is true only themed libraries are included and if the request contains a "forceTheme" parameter, the themed libraries are overlaid with their respective counterparts with that given theme.
        request - request
        out - writer
        themed - controls if themed or non themed libraries should be included
        categories - categories
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs
      • writeCssInclude

        void writeCssInclude​(SlingHttpServletRequest request,
                             Writer out,
                             String... categories)
                      throws IOException
        Writes the CSS include snippets to the given writer. The paths to the CSS libraries are included that match the given categories. Note that themed and non-themed libraries are included. If the request contains a "forceTheme" parameter, the themed libraries are overlaid with their respective counterparts with that given theme.
        request - request
        out - writer
        categories - categories
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs
      • writeCssInclude

        void writeCssInclude​(SlingHttpServletRequest request,
                             Writer out,
                             boolean themed,
                             String... categories)
                      throws IOException
        Writes the CSS include snippets to the given writer. The paths to the CSS libraries are included that match the given categories. If themed is false, only non-themed libraries are included. If themed is true only themed libraries are included and if the request contains a "forceTheme" parameter, the themed libraries are overlaid with their respective counterparts with that given theme.
        request - request
        out - writer
        themed - controls if themed or non themed libraries should be included
        categories - categories
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs
      • writeThemeInclude

        void writeThemeInclude​(SlingHttpServletRequest request,
                               Writer out,
                               String... categories)
                        throws IOException
        Writes all CSS and only themed JS include snippets to the given writer. The paths to the libraries are included that match the given categories. If the request contains a "forceTheme" parameter, the themed libraries are overlaid with their respective counterparts with that given theme. Please note, that the theme include should happen after the js includes since the theme js might reference themes.
        request - request
        out - writer
        categories - categories
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs
      • writeIncludes

        void writeIncludes​(SlingHttpServletRequest request,
                           Writer out,
                           String... categories)
                    throws IOException
        Writes the include snippets to the given writer. The paths to the libraries are included that match the given categories and the theme name that is extracted from the request.
        Same as:
        writeCssInclude(...); writeJsInclude(...); writeThemeInclude(...); If one of the libraries to be included has assigned channels, then the inclusion is delegated to the client side library manager.
        request - request
        out - writer
        categories - categories
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs
      • getLibrary

        HtmlLibrary getLibrary​(LibraryType type,
                               String path)
        Returns the html library that is configured at the given path. If no such library exists, null is returned.
        type - the library type
        path - the path
        the library or null
      • getLibrary

        HtmlLibrary getLibrary​(SlingHttpServletRequest request)
        Returns the html library that is address by the given request. if no such library exists, null is returned.
        request - the request
        the library or null
      • isMinifyEnabled

        boolean isMinifyEnabled()
        Checks if library minification is enabled.
        true if minification is enabled.
      • isDebugEnabled

        boolean isDebugEnabled()
        Checks if debug support is enabled.
        true if debug is enabled.
      • isGzipEnabled

        boolean isGzipEnabled()
        Checks if gzip compression is enabled.
        true if gzip is enabled.
      • getLibraries

        Map<String,​ClientLibrary> getLibraries()
        Returns all client libraries
        all client libraries
      • getLibraries

        Collection<ClientLibrary> getLibraries​(String[] categories,
                                               LibraryType type,
                                               boolean ignoreThemed,
                                               boolean transitive)
        Returns all client libraries that match the specified filters. If a theme name is specified, only themed libraries are returned, otherwise only non-theme libraries are returned. If theme name is an empty string, the configured default theme is used.
        categories - the categories
        type - type or null to match all types
        ignoreThemed - true to filter out themed libraries
        transitive - true to resolve recursively
        matching client libraries
      • getThemeLibraries

        Collection<ClientLibrary> getThemeLibraries​(String[] categories,
                                                    LibraryType type,
                                                    String themeName,
                                                    boolean transitive)
        Returns all themed client libraries that match the type. If type is null all libraries are returned. If theme name is an empty string, the configured default theme is used. If theme name is null all themed libraries are returned.
        categories - the categories
        type - type or null to match all types
        themeName - theme name or null
        transitive - true to resolve recursively
        matching client libraries
      • getLibrariesPaths

        Set<String> getLibrariesPaths​(String[] categories)
        Returns all paths including static resources associated with the provided list of clientlib categories.
        categories - the categories