Package com.adobe.xfa

Class ChildReln

  • public class ChildReln
    extends Object
    This class describes a relationship of a parent to one of its children.


    ChildReln objects are immutable.
    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • ChildReln

        public ChildReln​(int count,
                         int nMax)
        Assignments should only be done once in xfanamespace.cpp so this method is private to prevent its use.
        Value UNLIMITED means no limit on number of occurrences. Constructor. Populates the child relationship member variables
        count - - The number of times this child may occur.
        nMax - - The maximum number of times this child may occur. for zeroOrOne or oneOf elements: default = "1" for zeroOrMore or oneOrMore elements: default = UNLIMITED
    • Method Detail

      • getOneOfChild

        public static ChildReln getOneOfChild()
      • getOneOrMore

        public static ChildReln getOneOrMore()
      • getZeroOrMore

        public static ChildReln getZeroOrMore()
      • getZeroOrOne

        public static ChildReln getZeroOrOne()
      • getMax

        public int getMax()
        Accessor. Returns the maximum number of times this element may occur. If the number of occurences is unlimited, this returns -1.
        a long integer indicating maximum occurrences.
      • getMin

        public int getMin()
        Accessor. Returns the minimum number of times this element may occur.
        a long integer indicating minimum occurrences. This is zero or one
      • getOccurrence

        public int getOccurrence()
        Accessor. Returns the number of valid occurrences of this child
        The number of times this child may occur.
      • init

        public void init​(int count,
                         int nMax)
        Initializes the child relationship member variables
        Value UNLIMITED means no limit on number of occurrences.
        count - - The number of times this child may occur.
        nMax - - The maximum number of times this child may occur. for zeroOrOne or oneOf elements: default = "1" for zeroOrMore or oneOrMore elements: default = UNLIMITED
      • isBaseClass

        public boolean isBaseClass()