Package com.adobe.xfa

Class DOMSaveOptions

  • public final class DOMSaveOptions
    extends Object
    A class to define DOM saving options. These include:
    Display Format
    When set to RAW_OUTPUT, the document is written unmodified to the output stream.
    When set to SIMPLE_OUTPUT, the document is written to the output stream with carriage returns added. This output format does not add white space on subsequent reading.
    When set to PRETTY_OUTPUT, the document is written with carriage returns and indented by three spaces (by default) for each node level. This output format will add white space on subsequent reading.
    This parameter defaults to SIMPLE_OUTPUT.
    Exclude Preamble
    When set to true, this suppresses output of the XML <?xml version="1.0" ... ?> preamble.
    This parameter defaults to false.
    Include DTD
    When set to true, this suppresses output of the XML DTD declarations.
    This parameter defaults to false which will cause the omission of the DTD declarations.
    Indent Level
    Specifies the number of spaces to indent for each nested level during pretty print.
    This parameter defaults to 3.
    Format Nodes Outside The Document Element
    When set to true, a newline (U+0a) is rendered before and after processing instructions and comments which occur outside the document element.
    This parameter defaults to false, but defaults to true if PRETTY_OUTPUT is used.
    Expand Elements
    When set to true, empty elements are represented by an opening tag and a closing tag.
    When set to false, the element is collapsed when empty.
    This parameter defaults to false.
    Use Single Quotes
    When set to true, attribute values are enclosed with single quotes (name='myName').
    When set to false, attribute values are enclosed by double quotes (name="myName").
    This parameter defaults to false.
    Use UTF-8 Encoding
    When set to true, the output is UTF-8 encoded.
    When set to false, the output is encoded in some internal default.
    This parameter defaults to false.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static int PRETTY_OUTPUT
      A display format with carriage returns, indented lines and white space added
      static int RAW_OUTPUT
      A display format where the document is written without any formatting modifications
      static int SIMPLE_OUTPUT
      A display format with carriage returns added, but no added white space
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Instantiates a object with default DOM save options.
      DOMSaveOptions​(int ePrintFmt, boolean bExcludePreamble, boolean bIncludeDTD, boolean bFormatOutside, int nIndentLevel, boolean bExpandElement, boolean bUseSingleQuoteAttr, String sEntityChars, char cRangeMin, char cRangeMax, String sDisabledEntityChars, boolean bIsUTF8, boolean bSaveTransient, boolean bSaveFragment)
      Instantiates a object with the given DOM save options.
      DOMSaveOptions​(DOMSaveOptions oOptions)
      Copy constructor
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean getCanonicalizeNamespaceOrder()
      Gets the flag indicating if namespace attributes are to be saved out in whatever order they exist in, or in the order specified by XML canonicalization (default namespace first, followed by namespace prefix definitions in lexicographical order).
      String getDisabledEntityChars()
      Returns a string containing the characters that will not be encoded with their entity references.
      int getDisplayFormat()
      Returns the display format.
      String getEntityChars()
      Gets the string of characters which will be encoded with their entity references.
      boolean getExcludePreamble()
      Determines if the <?xml version="1.0" ?> preamble is excluded.
      boolean getExpandElement()
      Determines if elements are output in their expanded form if empty.
      boolean getFormatOutside()
      Determines if nodes outside the the document element are formatted.
      boolean getIncludeDTD()
      Determines if DTD declarations are included.
      int getIndentLevel()
      Gets the number of spaces used for each level of indentation.
      char getRangeMax()
      Gets the character which indicate what the end of the range of characters to be encoded with their references.
      char getRangeMin()
      Gets the character which indicate what the start of the range of characters to be encoded with their references.
      boolean getSaveFragment()
      Determines if transient fragment nodes are written.
      boolean getSaveTransient()
      Determines if transient/default nodes are written
      boolean getUseSingleQuoteAttr()
      Determines whether attribute values are enclosed with single quotes.
      void setCanonicalizeNamespaceOrder​(boolean bCanonicalizeNamespaceOrder)
      Sets the flag indicating if namespace attributes are to be saved out in whatever order they exist in, or in the order specified by XML canonicalization (default namespace first, followed by namespace prefix definitions in lexicographical order).
      void setDisabledEntityChars​(String sEntityChars)
      Sets the string of characters which will not be encoded with their entity references.
      void setDisplayFormat​(int ePrintFmt)
      Sets the display format.
      void setEntityChars​(String sEntityChars)
      Sets the string of characters which will be encoded with their entity references.
      void setExcludePreamble​(boolean bExcludePreamble)
      Determines whether the <?xml version="1.0" ?> preamble is excluded.
      void setExpandElement​(boolean bExpandElement)
      Determines whether elements are written in their expanded form if empty.
      void setFormatOutside​(boolean bFormatOutside)
      Determines whether nodes outside the the document element are formatted.
      void setIncludeDTD​(boolean bIncludeDTD)
      Sets if DTD declarations are included.
      void setIndentLevel​(int nIndentLevel)
      Sets the number of spaces used for each level of indentation.
      void setRangeMax​(char cRangeMax)
      Sets the character which indicate what the end of the range of characters to be encoded with their references.
      void setRangeMin​(char cRangeMin)
      Sets the character which indicate what the start of the range of characters to be encoded with their references.
      void setSaveFragment​(boolean bSaveFragment)
      Determines if transient fragment nodes are written.
      void setSaveTransient​(boolean bSaveTransient)
      Sets the flag indicating if transient/default nodes are saved out.
      void setUseSingleQuoteAttr​(boolean bUseSingleQuoteAttr)
      Determines whether attribute values are enclosed with single quotes.
    • Field Detail


        public static final int PRETTY_OUTPUT
        A display format with carriage returns, indented lines and white space added
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • RAW_OUTPUT

        public static final int RAW_OUTPUT
        A display format where the document is written without any formatting modifications
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int SIMPLE_OUTPUT
        A display format with carriage returns added, but no added white space
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • DOMSaveOptions

        public DOMSaveOptions()
        Instantiates a object with default DOM save options.
      • DOMSaveOptions

        public DOMSaveOptions​(DOMSaveOptions oOptions)
        Copy constructor
      • DOMSaveOptions

        public DOMSaveOptions​(int ePrintFmt,
                              boolean bExcludePreamble,
                              boolean bIncludeDTD,
                              boolean bFormatOutside,
                              int nIndentLevel,
                              boolean bExpandElement,
                              boolean bUseSingleQuoteAttr,
                              String sEntityChars,
                              char cRangeMin,
                              char cRangeMax,
                              String sDisabledEntityChars,
                              boolean bIsUTF8,
                              boolean bSaveTransient,
                              boolean bSaveFragment)
        Instantiates a object with the given DOM save options.
        ePrintFmt - the serialization format.
        bExcludePreamble - exclude the preamble or not.
        bIncludeDTD - include the DTD or not.
        nIndentLevel - the indentation level.
        bFormatOutside - format nodes outside the document element or not.
        bExpandElement - expand elements or not.
        bUseSingleQuoteAttr - use single quotes or not.
        sEntityChars - characters to encode using entity references [Not currently supported]
        cRangeMin - minimum range of characters to encode using entity references [Not currently supported]
        cRangeMax - maximum range of characters to encode using entity references [Not currently supported]
        sDisabledEntityChars - characters not to encode using entity references [Not currently supported]
        bIsUTF8 - use UTF-8 encoding or not.
    • Method Detail

      • getCanonicalizeNamespaceOrder

        public boolean getCanonicalizeNamespaceOrder()
        Gets the flag indicating if namespace attributes are to be saved out in whatever order they exist in, or in the order specified by XML canonicalization (default namespace first, followed by namespace prefix definitions in lexicographical order).
        jfBool indicating if namespaces are to be saved out in canonical order.
      • getDisabledEntityChars

        public String getDisabledEntityChars()
        Returns a string containing the characters that will not be encoded with their entity references.
        a String containing the characters that will not be encoded with their entity references
      • getEntityChars

        public String getEntityChars()
        Gets the string of characters which will be encoded with their entity references.
        the String of characters which will be encoded with their entity references
      • getExcludePreamble

        public boolean getExcludePreamble()
        Determines if the <?xml version="1.0" ?> preamble is excluded.
        true if the XML declaration preamble is excluded, else false.
      • getExpandElement

        public boolean getExpandElement()
        Determines if elements are output in their expanded form if empty.
        true if empty elements are written with open and closing tags
      • getFormatOutside

        public boolean getFormatOutside()
        Determines if nodes outside the the document element are formatted.
        true if nodes outside the document element are formatted, else false
      • getIncludeDTD

        public boolean getIncludeDTD()
        Determines if DTD declarations are included.
        true if DTD declarations are included, else false
      • getIndentLevel

        public int getIndentLevel()
        Gets the number of spaces used for each level of indentation.
        the number of spaces used for each level of indentation.
      • getRangeMax

        public char getRangeMax()
        Gets the character which indicate what the end of the range of characters to be encoded with their references.
        the max character in the range
      • getRangeMin

        public char getRangeMin()
        Gets the character which indicate what the start of the range of characters to be encoded with their references.
        the min character in the range
      • getSaveFragment

        public boolean getSaveFragment()
        Determines if transient fragment nodes are written. Fragments are created when an external proto reference is resolved. When a fragment is resolved, it is only marked as transient if AppModel.setExternalProtosAreTransient(boolean) has been used to indicate that external protos are transient.
        true if transient fragment nodes are written.
        See Also:
      • getSaveTransient

        public boolean getSaveTransient()
        Determines if transient/default nodes are written
        true if transient/default nodes are written.
      • getUseSingleQuoteAttr

        public boolean getUseSingleQuoteAttr()
        Determines whether attribute values are enclosed with single quotes.
        true if attribute values are enclosed by "'", false if attribute values are enclosed by """
      • setCanonicalizeNamespaceOrder

        public void setCanonicalizeNamespaceOrder​(boolean bCanonicalizeNamespaceOrder)
        Sets the flag indicating if namespace attributes are to be saved out in whatever order they exist in, or in the order specified by XML canonicalization (default namespace first, followed by namespace prefix definitions in lexicographical order).
      • setDisabledEntityChars

        public void setDisabledEntityChars​(String sEntityChars)
        Sets the string of characters which will not be encoded with their entity references.
        sEntityChars - the string of characters which will not be encoded
      • setEntityChars

        public void setEntityChars​(String sEntityChars)
        Sets the string of characters which will be encoded with their entity references.
        sEntityChars - String of characters which will be encoded
      • setExcludePreamble

        public void setExcludePreamble​(boolean bExcludePreamble)
        Determines whether the <?xml version="1.0" ?> preamble is excluded.
        bExcludePreamble - true if the preamble is excluded else false
      • setExpandElement

        public void setExpandElement​(boolean bExpandElement)
        Determines whether elements are written in their expanded form if empty.
        bExpandElement - true if empty elements written with open and closing tags
      • setFormatOutside

        public void setFormatOutside​(boolean bFormatOutside)
        Determines whether nodes outside the the document element are formatted.
        bFormatOutside - true if nodes outside the document element are formatted else false.
      • setIncludeDTD

        public void setIncludeDTD​(boolean bIncludeDTD)
        Sets if DTD declarations are included.
        bIncludeDTD - true if DTD declarations are included else false.
      • setIndentLevel

        public void setIndentLevel​(int nIndentLevel)
        Sets the number of spaces used for each level of indentation.
        nIndentLevel - the number of spaces.
      • setRangeMax

        public void setRangeMax​(char cRangeMax)
        Sets the character which indicate what the end of the range of characters to be encoded with their references.
        cRangeMax - the max character in the range.
      • setRangeMin

        public void setRangeMin​(char cRangeMin)
        Sets the character which indicate what the start of the range of characters to be encoded with their references.
        cRangeMin - the min character in the range.
      • setSaveFragment

        public void setSaveFragment​(boolean bSaveFragment)
        Determines if transient fragment nodes are written. Fragments are created when an external proto reference is resolved. When a fragment is resolved, it is only marked as transient if AppModel.setExternalProtosAreTransient(boolean) has been used to indicate that external protos are transient.
        bSaveFragment - true if transient fragment nodes are written.
        See Also:
      • setSaveTransient

        public void setSaveTransient​(boolean bSaveTransient)
        Sets the flag indicating if transient/default nodes are saved out.
      • setUseSingleQuoteAttr

        public void setUseSingleQuoteAttr​(boolean bUseSingleQuoteAttr)
        Determines whether attribute values are enclosed with single quotes.
        bUseSingleQuoteAttr - true if attribute values are enclosed by "'", false if by """