Package com.adobe.xfa

Class XMLMultiSelectNode

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class XMLMultiSelectNode
    extends ProtoableNode
    • Constructor Detail

      • XMLMultiSelectNode

        public XMLMultiSelectNode​(Element parent,
                                  Node prevSibling)
    • Method Detail

      • addValue

        public void addValue​(String sItem,
                             String sItemsName)
        Add an item under the top element for this node
        sItem - a string containing the new item.
        sItemsName - a string containing the name for this new item.
      • clearValues

        public void clearValues()
        Clear items under the top element for this node.
      • getDeltas

        public void getDeltas​(Element delta,
                              XFAList list)
        Description copied from class: Element
        Gets a collection of deltas to restore. The locale attribute is always restored immediately, and is not returned in the list of deltas.
        getDeltas in class Element
        delta - an Element from the form packet.
        list - the list of deltas to be populated.
        See Also:
        Element.getDeltas(Element, XFAList)
      • getValue

        public String getValue​(boolean bAsFragment,
                               boolean bSuppressPreamble)
        Get the pcData for this node.
        bAsFragment - if true, it returns a String containing an html fragment, false return only the text content.
        the pcData as a string.
      • getValues

        public void getValues​(List<String> oSelectionList)
        Get the pcData for this node as a list of selected items.
        oSelectionList - a list of all items
      • getValuesFromDom

        public void getValuesFromDom​(List<String> xmlTextValues,
                                     Node oDomNode,
                                     boolean bAsFragment,
                                     boolean bSuppressPreamble)
      • setValue

        public void setValue​(String sData)
        Set the pcdata for this node.
        sData - a string containing the new pcdata.
      • setValues

        public void setValues​(List<String> oSelectionList)
        Set the pcdata for this node.
        oSelectionList - a jfStorage of strings containing the new values.
      • setValuesToDom

        public void setValuesToDom​(List<String> oSelectionList,
                                   Element oDomNode)
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Cast this node to a string value.
        toString in class Object
        the string representing the pcdata.