Class RhinoScriptHandler

    • Constructor Detail

      • RhinoScriptHandler

        public RhinoScriptHandler​(AppModel appModel)
        Instantiates a JavaScript script handler.
        appModel - the application model.
      • RhinoScriptHandler

        public RhinoScriptHandler​(AppModel appModel,
                                  ScriptDebugger scriptDebugger)
        Instantiates a JavaScript script handler.
        appModel - an application model.
        scriptDebugger - an script debugger.
      • RhinoScriptHandler

        public RhinoScriptHandler​(AppModel appModel,
                                  ScriptDebugger scriptDebugger,
                                  int javaScriptTimeout)
        appModel - the application's XFAAppModel.
        scriptDebugger - the application's XFAScriptDebugger-derived class.
        javaScriptTimeout - the maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, a single script is allowed to execute before it gets timed out. A value of '0' means infinite which also is the default.
    • Method Detail

      • newLiveObject

        public LiveObject newLiveObject​(RhinoScriptHandler handler,
                                        Obj xfaObject)
        Description copied from interface: ScriptHandlerIF
        Instantiates a new LiveObject.
        Specified by:
        newLiveObject in interface ScriptHandlerIF
        handler - a Rhino script handler.
        xfaObject - the XFA object that is peered to this instance.
        the LiveObject.
      • newLiveComponent

        public LiveComponent newLiveComponent​(RhinoScriptHandler handler,
                                              Obj xfaObject)
        Description copied from interface: ScriptHandlerIF
        Instantiates a new LiveComponent.
        Specified by:
        newLiveComponent in interface ScriptHandlerIF
        handler - a Rhino script handler.
        xfaObject - the XFA object (app model) associated with the given script handler.
        the LiveComponent.
      • executeOrSyntaxCheck

        public void executeOrSyntaxCheck​(String sScript,
                                         Arg oReturnCode,
                                         int eReason,
                                         boolean bSyntaxCheckOnly)
        Description copied from class: ScriptHandler
        Executes or checks the syntax of the given script.
        Specified by:
        executeOrSyntaxCheck in class ScriptHandler
        sScript - the script to execute.
        oReturnCode - the return value of the script.
        eReason - the reason for the execution of the script.
        bSyntaxCheckOnly - the flag to only check syntax when set.
      • getAppModel

        public AppModel getAppModel()
      • languageName

        public String languageName()
        Description copied from class: ScriptHandler
        Gets the name of the scripting language supported by this script handler.
        Specified by:
        languageName in class ScriptHandler
        the name of the scripting language.
      • throwError

        public void throwError​(ExFull oError)
      • wasFatalError

        public boolean wasFatalError()
        Description copied from class: ScriptHandler
        Determines the severity of an error is returned from execute().
        wasFatalError in class ScriptHandler
      • argToVariant

        public Object argToVariant​(Arg arg)
      • variantToArg

        public Arg variantToArg​(Object variant)