Class Items

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class Items
    extends ProtoableNode
    A class for Items objects. An element that describes the constraints on item groups.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Items

        public Items​(Element parent,
                     Node prevSibling)
    • Method Detail

      • addItem

        public void addItem​(String sItemValue,
                            boolean bDefault)
        Adds a new item.
      • clearItems

        public void clearItems​(boolean bDefault)
        Removes all the items.
      • removeItem

        public void removeItem​(int nIndex,
                               boolean bDefault)
        Removes one item.
      • getDeltas

        public void getDeltas​(Element delta,
                              XFAList list)
        Description copied from class: Element
        Gets a collection of deltas to restore. The locale attribute is always restored immediately, and is not returned in the list of deltas.
        getDeltas in class Element
        delta - an Element from the form packet.
        list - the list of deltas to be populated.