Class TextAttr

  • public class TextAttr
    extends TextGfxAttr

    The text attribute object can represent any possible combination of attributes that apply to text (e.g., typeface, size, left margin, tabs). Applications use this object to set and query rich text attributes.

    Note that, for architectural reasons, this class extends class TextGfxAttr. Class TextGfxAttr provides sparse attribute coverage for so-called "graphic" text attributes (e.g., colour, underline). Class TextAttr extends that with all other attributes that apply to text. For more information on graphic text attributes, please see class TextGfxAttr.

    Each text attribute can be set or queried independently. Additionally, each attribute can be flagged as enabled or disabled. When enabled, the corresponding attribute value has meaning. When disabled, the value can be thought of as unknown or irrelevant. To set a single text attribute over a range of text, the application creates a TextAttr with just that attribute enabled, and applies it to the range. Similarly, the application can apply a subset of attributes by enabling just those values. The application can also query attributes over a range. Those attributes that are constant over the range will appear as enabled values in the resulting TextAttr object. Those that vary over the range are disabled.

    This object has a large number of accessors, which appear in groups of four, one such group for each attribute. For example, consider the typeface attribute. There are two overloads each of Typeface() and TypefaceEnable(). In each overload pair, one sets the value and one retrieves it. In other words, one Typeface() overload returns the current typeface value and one sets it, and one TypefaceEnable() overload returns the enabled state and one sets it. Enabled flags are all Boolean, with TRUE indicating the value is enabled. Setting an attribute value in a TextAttr object (e.g., by second Typeface() overload) automatically enables it. Enabling a value (e.g., by second TypefaceEnable() overload) that has never been set usually sets it to a default value. In rare cases, the uninitialized value may be left disabled.

    Some attributes apply at the paragraph level while other can apply to smaller runs of text. When the application sets paragraph attributes over a text range, the range is implicitly rounded up to complete paragraphs for the paragraph attributes.

    Font information may be set by individual components (e.g., typeface, size) or by font object pointer.

    • Constructor Detail

      • TextAttr

        public TextAttr()
        Default constructor.

        Populates the text attribute object with all attributes disabled.

      • TextAttr

        public TextAttr​(boolean bDefault)
        Constructor with control over defaulting technique.

        This constructor can behave like the default constructor (all attributes disabled) or it can create the object with attributes enabled and set to default values.

        bDefault - - FALSE if attributes are to be disabled; TRUE if they are to be enabled with default values.
      • TextAttr

        public TextAttr​(TextAttr oSource)
        Copy constructor.

        Copies all attributes and their enabled/disabled status. This also copies the graphic source connection of the source attribute object.

        oSource - - Source attribute object to copy.
      • TextAttr

        public TextAttr​(TextAttr oSource,
                        TextGfxSource oGfxSource)
        Copy constructor with graphic source.

        Copies all attributes and their enabled/disabled status, but reestablishes them in the context of a different graphic source.

        oSource - - Source attribute object to copy.
        oGfxSource - - Graphic source to use for the copy.
    • Method Detail

      • gfxSource

        public TextGfxSource gfxSource()
        Obtain graphic source information used by the stream.

        AXTE collects the various sources and pools of graphic information (text and Gfx attribute pools, and font mapper) into a text graphic source object (TextGfxSource). This method returns the current graphic source of the stream.

        Constant reference to the text stream's graphic source
      • gfxSource

        public void gfxSource​(TextGfxSource oNewGfxSource)
        Change the graphic source used by the stream.

        AXTE collects the various sources and pools of graphic information (text and Gfx attribute pools, and font mapper) into a text graphic source object (TextGfxSource). This method allows the caller to change the object's graphic source.

        oNewGfxSource - - New graphic source to use for the object.
      • fontService

        public FontService fontService()
        Get a pointer to the FontService object used by this stream.

        The font service object used CoolType font handling to create and look up fonts. A text stream may use a font service instead of a text attribute pool; it may use the font service that comes from the text attribute pool; or it may not use a font service at all, though this may cause limitations with certain drivers. This method returns a pointer to the font service currently in use.

        Pointer to the font service currently in use. May be NULL.
      • fontService

        public void fontService​(FontService poNewFontService,
                                boolean bSuppressReconcile)
        Set the FontService object used by this stream.

        The font service object used CoolType font handling to create and look up fonts. A text stream may use a font service instead of a text attribute pool; it may use the font service that comes from the text attribute pool; or it may not use a font service at all, though this may cause limitations with certain drivers. This method establishes a new font service for the stream.

        poNewFontService - Pointer to new font service to use. May be NULL.
        bSuppressReconcile - - (optional) TRUE to prevent immediate reconcilation of the attribute's font info in the new service; FALSE (default) to have the reconcile occur.
      • fontService

        public void fontService​(FontService poNewFontService)
      • fontInstance

        public FontInstance fontInstance()
        Return the font instance value if enabled
        FontInstance value. NULL if not enabled.
      • fontInstance

        public void fontInstance​(FontInstance oNewFont,
                                 String sOriginalTypeface)
        Set and enable the font instance value
        oNewFont - - New font instance value. Note: setting the font instance value to a NULL pointer disables it.
        sOriginalTypeface - - Original typeface value for substituted fonts.
      • fontInstance

        public void fontInstance​(FontInstance oNewFont)
      • substituteFont

        public boolean substituteFont()
        Return if the font instance is a substitute font
      • fontEnable

        public boolean fontEnable()
        Query whether the font value is enabled
        TRUE if enabled; FALSE if not.
      • fontEnable

        public void fontEnable​(boolean bNewEnable)
        Enable/disable the font value
        bNewEnable - - TRUE if the font value is to be enabled; FALSE if it is to be disabled.
      • anyFontEnable

        public boolean anyFontEnable()
        Query whether any of the font attributes is enabled
        TRUE if any of typeface, size, weight or italic is enabled; FALSE if all disabled.
      • typeface

        public String typeface()
        Return the Typeface value if enabled
        Typeface value.
      • typeface

        public void typeface​(String sNewTypeface,
                             int nWeight,
                             boolean bItalic,
                             String sEncoding)
        Set and enable the typeface value
        sNewTypeface - - New typeface value.
        nWeight - - bold attribute.
        bItalic - - Italicize.
      • typeface

        public void typeface​(String sNewTypeface)
        Set and enable the typeface value
        sNewTypeface - - New typeface value.
      • typeface

        public void typeface​(String sNewTypeface,
                             UnitSpan oSize,
                             int nWeight,
                             int nItalic)
        Set and enable one or more of typeface, size, weight and italic. NOTE: This method will not set the corresponding attributes if the parameters are empty or zero.
        sNewTypeface - - New typeface value.
        oSize - - New size value.
        nWeight - - New weight value.
        nItalic - - New italic value.
      • typefaceEnable

        public boolean typefaceEnable()
        Query whether the typeface value is enabled
        TRUE if enabled; FALSE if not.
      • typefaceEnable

        public void typefaceEnable​(boolean bNewEnable)
        Enable/disable the typeface value
        bNewEnable - - TRUE if the typeface value is to be enabled; FALSE if it is to be disabled.
      • originalTypeface

        public String originalTypeface()
        Return the OriginalTypeface value
        OriginalTypeface value.
      • encoding

        public String encoding()
        Return the encoding value if enabled
        Encoding value.
      • encoding

        public void encoding​(String sNewEncoding)
        Set and enable the encoding value
        sNewEncoding - - New encoding value.
      • encodingEnable

        public boolean encodingEnable()
        Query whether the encoding value is enabled
        TRUE if enabled; FALSE if not.
      • encodingEnable

        public void encodingEnable​(boolean bNewEnable)
        Enable/disable the encoding value
        bNewEnable - - TRUE if the encoding value is to be enabled; FALSE if it is to be disabled.
      • size

        public UnitSpan size()
        Return the size value if enabled
        Size value.
      • size

        public void size​(UnitSpan oNewSize)
        Set and enable the size value
        oNewSize - - New size value.
      • sizeEnable

        public boolean sizeEnable()
        Query whether the size value is enabled
        TRUE if enabled; FALSE if not.
      • sizeEnable

        public void sizeEnable​(boolean bNewEnable)
        Enable/disable the size value
        bNewEnable - - TRUE if the size value is to be enabled; FALSE if it is to be disabled.
      • weight

        public int weight()
        Return the weight value if enabled
        Weight value.
      • weight

        public void weight​(int iNewWeight)
        Set and enable the weight value
        iNewWeight - - New weight value.
      • weightEnable

        public boolean weightEnable()
        Query whether the weight value is enabled
        TRUE if enabled; FALSE if not.
      • weightEnable

        public void weightEnable​(boolean bNewEnable)
        Enable/disable the weight value
        bNewEnable - - TRUE if the weight value is to be enabled; FALSE if it is to be disabled.
      • italic

        public boolean italic()
        Return the italic value if enabled
        Italic value.
      • italic

        public void italic​(boolean bNewItalic)
        Set and enable the italic value
        bNewItalic - - New italic value.
      • italicEnable

        public boolean italicEnable()
        Query whether the italic value is enabled
        TRUE if enabled; FALSE if not.
      • italicEnable

        public void italicEnable​(boolean bNewEnable)
        Enable/disable the italic value
        bNewEnable - - TRUE if the italic value is to be enabled; FALSE if it is to be disabled.
      • gfxTextAttr

        public GFXTextAttr gfxTextAttr()
        Query the collected graphic text attributes
        - The collected graphic text attributes (GfxTextAttr) represented in this object.
      • transparent

        public boolean transparent()
        Return the transparent flag if enabled
        Transparent flag.
      • transparent

        public void transparent​(boolean bNewTransparent)
        Set and enable the transparent flag
        bNewTransparent - - New transparent flag.
      • transparentEnable

        public boolean transparentEnable()
        Query whether the transparent flag is enabled
        TRUE if enabled; FALSE if not.
      • transparentEnable

        public void transparentEnable​(boolean bNewEnable)
        Enable/disable the transparent flag
        bNewEnable - - TRUE if the transparent flag is to be enabled; FALSE if it is to be disabled.
      • spacing

        public TextMeasurement spacing()
        Return the line spacing if enabled
        Line spacing.
      • spacing

        public void spacing​(TextMeasurement oNewSpacing)
        Set and enable the line spacing
        oNewSpacing - - New line spacing.
      • spacingEnable

        public boolean spacingEnable()
        Query whether the line spacing is enabled
        TRUE if enabled; FALSE if not.
      • spacingEnable

        public void spacingEnable​(boolean bNewEnable)
        Enable/disable the line spacing
        bNewEnable - - TRUE if the line spacing is to be enabled; FALSE if it is to be disabled.
      • marginL

        public TextMeasurement marginL()
        Return the left margin if enabled
        Left margin.
      • marginL

        public void marginL​(TextMeasurement oNewMarginL)
        Set and enable the left margin
        oNewMarginL - - New left margin.
      • marginLEnable

        public boolean marginLEnable()
        Query whether the left margin is enabled
        TRUE if enabled; FALSE if not.
      • marginLEnable

        public void marginLEnable​(boolean bNewEnable)
        Enable/disable the left margin
        bNewEnable - - TRUE if the left margin is to be enabled; FALSE if it is to be disabled.
      • marginR

        public TextMeasurement marginR()
        Return the right margin if enabled
        Right margin.
      • marginR

        public void marginR​(TextMeasurement oNewMarginR)
        Set and enable the right margin
        oNewMarginR - - New right margin.
      • marginREnable

        public boolean marginREnable()
        Query whether the right margin is enabled
        TRUE if enabled; FALSE if not.
      • marginREnable

        public void marginREnable​(boolean bNewEnable)
        Enable/disable the right margin
        bNewEnable - - TRUE if the right margin is to be enabled; FALSE if it is to be disabled.
      • justifyV

        public int justifyV()
        Return the vertical justification if enabled
        vertical justification.
      • justifyV

        public void justifyV​(int eNewJustifyV)
        Set and enable the vertical justification
        eNewJustifyV - - New vertical justification.
      • justifyVEnable

        public boolean justifyVEnable()
        Query whether the vertical justification is enabled
        TRUE if enabled; FALSE if not.
      • justifyVEnable

        public void justifyVEnable​(boolean bNewEnable)
        Enable/disable the vertical justification
        bNewEnable - - TRUE if the vertical justification is to be enabled; FALSE if it is to be disabled.
      • justifyH

        public int justifyH()
        Return the horizontal justification if enabled
        Horizontal justification.
      • justifyH

        public void justifyH​(int eNewJustifyH)
        Set and enable the horizontal justification
        eNewJustifyH - - New horizontal justification.
      • justifyHEnable

        public boolean justifyHEnable()
        Query whether the horizontal justification is enabled
        TRUE if enabled; FALSE if not.
      • justifyHEnable

        public void justifyHEnable​(boolean bNewEnable)
        Enable/disable the horizontal justification
        bNewEnable - - TRUE if the horizontal justification is to be enabled; FALSE if it is to be disabled.
      • radixOffset

        public TextMeasurement radixOffset()
        Return the radix offset value if enabled
        Radix offset value.
      • radixOffset

        public void radixOffset​(TextMeasurement oNewRadixOffset)
        Set and enable the radix offset value
        oNewRadixOffset - - New radix offset value.
      • radixOffsetEnable

        public boolean radixOffsetEnable()
        Query whether the radix offset value is enabled
        TRUE if enabled; FALSE if not.
      • radixOffsetEnable

        public void radixOffsetEnable​(boolean bNewEnable)
        Enable/disable the radix offset value
        bNewEnable - - TRUE if the radix offset value is to be enabled; FALSE if it is to be disabled.
      • radixPos

        public int radixPos()
        Get the radix position value
        the radix position value.
      • radixPos

        public void radixPos​(int nNewRadixPos)
        Set the radix position value
        nNewRadixPos - - New radix position value.
      • radixPosEnable

        public boolean radixPosEnable()
        Query whether the radix position value is enabled
        TRUE if enabled; FALSE if not.
      • radixPosEnable

        public void radixPosEnable​(boolean bNewEnable)
        Enable/disable the radix position value
        bNewEnable - - TRUE if the radix offset value is to be enabled; FALSE if it is to be disabled.
      • tabs

        public TextTabList tabs()
        Return the tab list if enabled
        tab list.
      • tabs

        public void tabs​(TextTabList oNewTabs)
        Set and enable the tab list
        oNewTabs - - New tab list.
      • tabsEnable

        public boolean tabsEnable()
        Query whether the tab list is enabled
        TRUE if enabled; FALSE if not.
      • tabsEnable

        public void tabsEnable​(boolean bNewEnable)
        Enable/disable the tab list
        bNewEnable - - TRUE if the tab list is to be enabled; FALSE if it is to be disabled.
      • special

        public TextMeasurement special()
        Return the special first line handling value if enabled
        Special first line handling value.
      • special

        public void special​(TextMeasurement oNewSpecial)
        Set and enable the special first line handling value
        oNewSpecial - - New special first line handling value.
      • specialEnable

        public boolean specialEnable()
        Query whether the special first line handling value is enabled
        TRUE if enabled; FALSE if not.
      • specialEnable

        public void specialEnable​(boolean bNewEnable)
        Enable/disable the special first line handling value
        bNewEnable - - TRUE if the special first line handling value is to be enabled; FALSE if it is to be disabled.
      • spaceBefore

        public TextMeasurement spaceBefore()
        Return the vertical space before paragraph value if enabled
        Vertical space before paragraph.
      • spaceBefore

        public void spaceBefore​(TextMeasurement oNewSpaceBefore)
        Set and enable the vertical space before paragraph value
        oNewSpaceBefore - - New vertical space before paragraph value.
      • spaceBeforeEnable

        public boolean spaceBeforeEnable()
        Query whether the vertical space before paragraph value is enabled
        TRUE if enabled; FALSE if not.
      • spaceBeforeEnable

        public void spaceBeforeEnable​(boolean bNewEnable)
        Enable/disable the vertical space before paragraph value
        bNewEnable - - TRUE if the vertical space before paragraph value is to be enabled; FALSE if it is to be disabled.
      • spaceAfter

        public TextMeasurement spaceAfter()
        Return the vertical space after paragraph value if enabled
        Vertical space after paragraph value.
      • spaceAfter

        public void spaceAfter​(TextMeasurement oNewSpaceAfter)
        Set and enable the vertical space after paragraph value
        oNewSpaceAfter - - New vertical space after paragraph value.
      • spaceAfterEnable

        public boolean spaceAfterEnable()
        Query whether the vertical space after paragraph value is enabled
        TRUE if enabled; FALSE if not.
      • spaceAfterEnable

        public void spaceAfterEnable​(boolean bNewEnable)
        Enable/disable the vertical space after paragraph value
        bNewEnable - - TRUE if the vertical space after paragraph value is to be enabled; FALSE if it is to be disabled.
      • invisible

        public boolean invisible()
        Return the invisible flag if enabled
        Invisible flag.
      • invisible

        public void invisible​(boolean bNewInvisible)
        Set and enable the invisible flag
        bNewInvisible - - New invisible flag.
      • invisibleEnable

        public boolean invisibleEnable()
        Query whether the invisible flag is enabled
        TRUE if enabled; FALSE if not.
      • invisibleEnable

        public void invisibleEnable​(boolean bNewEnable)
        Enable/disable the invisible flag
        bNewEnable - - TRUE if the invisible flag is to be enabled; FALSE if it is to be disabled.
      • invisChar

        public char invisChar()
        Return the invisible character if enabled
        Invisible character.
      • invisChar

        public void invisChar​(char cNewInvisChar)
        Set and enable the invisible character
        cNewInvisChar - - New invisible character.
      • invisCharEnable

        public boolean invisCharEnable()
        Query whether the invisible character is enabled
        TRUE if enabled; FALSE if not.
      • invisCharEnable

        public void invisCharEnable​(boolean bNewEnable)
        Enable/disable the invisible character
        bNewEnable - - TRUE if the invisible character is to be enabled; FALSE if it is to be disabled.
      • baselineShift

        public TextBaselineShift baselineShift()
        Return the baseline shift if enabled
        Baseline shift.
      • baselineShift

        public void baselineShift​(TextBaselineShift oNewShift)
        Set and enable the baseline shift
        oNewShift - - New baseline shift.
      • baselineShiftEnable

        public boolean baselineShiftEnable()
        Query whether the baseline shift is enabled
        TRUE if enabled; FALSE if not.
      • baselineShiftEnable

        public void baselineShiftEnable​(boolean bNewEnable)
        Enable/disable the baseline shift
        bNewEnable - - TRUE if the baseline shift is to be enabled; FALSE if it is to be disabled.
      • flattenMeasurement

        public UnitSpan flattenMeasurement​(TextMeasurement oMeasurement)
        Flatten a measurement in the context of this attribute.

        Given a text measurement, this method flattens it to an absolute unit span. If the given measurement repsents a length, its length value is returned unchanged. Otherwise, its relative value is flattened in the context of font instance if not null, or the font size otherwise.

        oMeasurement - - Measurement to be flattened.
        The flattened value.
      • flatten

        public boolean flatten()
        Flatten relative measurements to absolute values.

        This method flattens all relative values in the attribute. Potential relative values are those returned as TextMeasurement, as well as subscript and superscript baseline shifts. If the potentially relative values are all absolute, the method does nothing. Flattening a subscript or superscript baseline shift yields an absolute displacement, with a corresponding adjustment to the font size.

        - True if any change took place; false if this object is unaltered.
      • conditionalFlatten

        public TextAttr conditionalFlatten()
        Perform flattening without affecting this object.

        This method returns a new, flattened text attribute object. If flattening would have no effect, the method simply returns NULL. Otherwise it clones this object and flattens it. The font size must also be enabled and be non-zero for this method to do anything.

        Note that the resulting attribute object caches a pointer to this object and assumes that it is reference counted. Therefore, the caller must employ reference counting on this object to ensure that it isn't deleted too soon.

        NULL if no flattening took place, or a new flattened text attribute object. with flattened baseline shift.
      • getOriginalAttr

        public TextAttr getOriginalAttr()
        Return the original attribute object from one that has had its baseline shift flattened.

        If a client is processing layout, it will see flattened baseline shifts. If it wishes to work with the more abstract Subscript and Superscript designations, it can track the original attribute object through the return value of this method.

        Pointer to original attribute object if this object is the result of flattening a baseline shift; NULL otherwise.
      • locale

        public String locale()
        Return the locale value if enabled
        Locale value.
      • locale

        public void locale​(String sNewLocale)
        Set and enable the locale value
        sNewLocale - - New locale value.
      • localeEnable

        public boolean localeEnable()
        Query whether the locale value is enabled
        TRUE if enabled; FALSE if not.
      • localeEnable

        public void localeEnable​(boolean bNewEnable)
        Enable/disable the locale value
        bNewEnable - - TRUE if the locale value is to be enabled; FALSE if it is to be disabled.
      • actualLocale

        public String actualLocale()
        Resolve the locale for the text attribute object.

        The text attribute object may or may not actually specify a locale. This method returns a locale name that the caller can use. If the text attribute object specifies a locale (enabled and non-empty string), that value is returned. If locale is enabled but empty, the ambient locale is returned. If locale is disabled, the locale "en_US" is returned.

        Actual locale string.
      • radixText

        public String radixText()
        Return the radix text string, resolved by locale.

        Returns the radix text string (e.g., period in en_US) resolved by locale. Uses the value returned by ActualLocale() to obtain the locale that determines the radix text string.

        Radix text string.
      • radixChar

        public char radixChar()
        Return the radix character, resolved by locale.

        AXTE currently supports radix alignment on a single character. This method simply returns the first character of the string returned by the RadixText() method.

        Radix character.
      • digits

        public int digits()
      • digits

        public void digits​(int eNewDigits)
      • digitsEnable

        public boolean digitsEnable()
      • digitsEnable

        public void digitsEnable​(boolean bNewEnable)
      • direction

        public int direction()
        Return the direction for neutral characters.

        Many characters (e.g., some punctuation, spaces) are directionally neutral, that is, their direction (LTR or RTL) is determined by context at render time. Some times this is inappropriate, for example, part numbers that include punctuation. This attribute value can force directionality to LTR or RTL for neutral characters.

        Current neutral character directionality setting.
      • direction

        public void direction​(int eNewDirection)
        Set the direction for neutral characters.

        Please see the description of the first overload for the purpose of this attribute. This method allows the caller to change the neutral character directionality.

        eNewDirection - - New directionality setting.
      • directionEnable

        public boolean directionEnable()
        Query whether the neutral character direction value is enabled
        TRUE if enabled; FALSE if not.
      • directionEnable

        public void directionEnable​(boolean bNewEnable)
        Enable/disable the neutral character direction value
        bNewEnable - - TRUE if the neutral character direction value is to be enabled; FALSE if it is to be disabled.
      • paraDirection

        public int paraDirection()
        Return the paragraph direction.

        The paragraph direction determines the higher-level ordering of mixed direction runs. If neutral, it is gleaned from the locale. The paragraph direction is also used to set vertical writing.

        Current paragraph direction in effect.
      • paraDirection

        public void paraDirection​(int eNewDirection)
        Change the paragraph direction.
        eNewDirection - - New paragraph direction for this attribute object.
      • paraDirectionEnable

        public boolean paraDirectionEnable()
        Query whether the paragraph character direction value is enabled.
        TRUE if enabled; FALSE if not.
      • paraDirectionEnable

        public void paraDirectionEnable​(boolean bNewEnable)
        Enable/disable the paragraph character direction value.
        bNewEnable - - TRUE if the paragraph character direction value is to be enabled; FALSE if it is to be disabled.
      • layoutOrientation

        public int layoutOrientation()
        Return the layout orientation in effect.

        The layout orientation specifies horizontal or vertical writing. This is a paragraph-level attribute. Because orientation cannot change mid-frame, changes to orientation in rich text may not be honoured. Indeed, in the initial implementation, the orientation in effect at the start of the stream affects all frames for that stream.

        Layout orientation. Default is horizontal.
      • layoutOrientation

        public void layoutOrientation​(int eNewLayoutOrientation)
        Set the layout orientation.

        For more information on layout orientation, see the first overload of this method name.

        eNewLayoutOrientation - - New orientation for this attribute object.
      • layoutOrientationEnable

        public boolean layoutOrientationEnable()
        Query whether the layout orientation is enabled.
        TRUE if enabled; FALSE if not.
      • layoutOrientationEnable

        public void layoutOrientationEnable​(boolean bNewEnable)
        Enable the layout orientation value.
        bNewEnable - - TRUE if the layout orientation value is to be enabled; FALSE if it is to be disabled.
      • ligature

        public int ligature()
        Return the ligature level.

        For compatibility with other products and versions, there is some control over the application of ligatures. Currently, there are two levels: minimal for repeatable forms processing, and common for text documents with improved appearance.

        Current ligature level.
      • ligature

        public void ligature​(int eNewLigature)
        Set the ligature level.

        Please see the description of the first overload for the purpose of this attribute. This method allows the caller to change the ligature level.

        eNewLigature - - New ligature setting.
      • ligatureEnable

        public boolean ligatureEnable()
        Query whether the ligature level is enabled.
        TRUE if enabled; FALSE if not.
      • ligatureEnable

        public void ligatureEnable​(boolean bNewEnable)
        Enable/disable the ligature level.
        bNewEnable - - TRUE if the ligature level is to be enabled; FALSE if it is to be disabled.
      • charSpacing

        public TextMeasurement charSpacing()
        Returns the character spacing setting for this text attribute object.

        The character spacing is added to each character's default spacing when laying out text.

        Character spacing value currently in effect for this attribute object. The default value is zero.
      • charSpacing

        public void charSpacing​(TextMeasurement nNewCharSpacing)
        Set a new character spacing value for this attribute object.

        Note that setting a value with this method implicitly enables the character spacing setting. For more information, see method CharSpacingEnable().

        nNewCharSpacing - - New character spacing value. Negative values are allowed.
      • charSpacingEnable

        public boolean charSpacingEnable()
        Query whether the character spacing setting is enabled in this text attribute object.

        If enabled, the value returned by CharSpacing() is valid. If not enabled, the character spacing is effectively unknown.

        True if character spacing is currently enabled; false if not.
      • charSpacingEnable

        public void charSpacingEnable​(boolean bNewEnable)
        Enable or disable the character spacing setting in this attribute object.
        bNewEnable - - True if the character spacing setting is to be enabled; false if it is to be disabled. Enabling a previously disabled setting causes it to have a default value (one).
      • wordSpacing

        public TextMeasurement wordSpacing()
        Returns the word spacing setting for this text attribute object.

        The word spacing is added to each internal space in a line when laying out text.

        Word spacing value currently in effect for this attribute object. The default value is zero.
      • wordSpacing

        public void wordSpacing​(TextMeasurement nNewWordSpacing)
        Set a new word spacing value for this attribute object.

        Note that setting a value with this method implicitly enables the word spacing setting. For more information, see method WordSpacingEnable().

        nNewWordSpacing - - New word spacing value. Negative values are invalid.
      • wordSpacingEnable

        public boolean wordSpacingEnable()
        Query whether the word spacing setting is enabled in this text attribute object.

        If enabled, the value returned by WordSpacing() is valid. If not enabled, the word spacing is effectively unknown.

        True if word spacing is currently enabled; false if not.
      • wordSpacingEnable

        public void wordSpacingEnable​(boolean bNewEnable)
        Enable or disable the word spacing setting in this attribute object.
        bNewEnable - - True if the word spacing setting is to be enabled; false if it is to be disabled. Enabling a previously disabled setting causes it to have a default value (one).
      • kerning

        public boolean kerning()
        Returns the kerning setting for this text attribute object.
        Indicates whether kerning is currently in effect for this attribute object. The default value is false.
      • kerning

        public void kerning​(boolean bNewKerning)
        Set a new kerning value for this attribute object.

        Note that setting a value with this method implicitly enables the kerning setting. For more information, see method KerningEnable().

        bNewKerning - - New kerning value. True to enable kerning; false to disable it.
      • kerningEnable

        public boolean kerningEnable()
        Query whether the kerning setting is enabled in this text attribute object.

        If enabled, the value returned by Kerning() is valid. If not enabled, the kerning is effectively unknown.

        True if kerning is currently enabled; false if not.
      • kerningEnable

        public void kerningEnable​(boolean bNewEnable)
        Enable or disable the kerning setting in this attribute object.
        bNewEnable - - True if the kerning setting is to be enabled; false if it is to be disabled. Enabling a previously disabled setting causes it to have a default value (false).
      • hyphLevel

        public int hyphLevel()
        Return the hyphenation level if enabled
        Hyphenation level.
      • hyphLevel

        public void hyphLevel​(int eNewHyphLevel)
        Set and enable the hyphenation level
        eNewHyphLevel - - New hyphenation level.
      • hyphLevelEnable

        public boolean hyphLevelEnable()
        Query whether the hyphenation level is enabled
        TRUE if enabled; FALSE if not.
      • hyphLevelEnable

        public void hyphLevelEnable​(boolean bNewEnable)
        Enable/disable the hyphenation level
        bNewEnable - - TRUE if the hyphenation level is to be enabled; FALSE if it is to be disabled.
      • hyphMinWord

        public int hyphMinWord()
        Return the hyphenation minimum word size if enabled
        Hyphenation minimum word size.
      • hyphMinWord

        public void hyphMinWord​(int nNewHyphMinWord)
        Set and enable the hyphenation minimum word size
        nNewHyphMinWord - - New hyphenation minimum word size.
      • hyphMinWordEnable

        public boolean hyphMinWordEnable()
        Query whether the hyphenation minimum word size is enabled
        TRUE if enabled; FALSE if not.
      • hyphMinWordEnable

        public void hyphMinWordEnable​(boolean bNewEnable)
        Enable/disable the hyphenation minimum word size
        bNewEnable - - TRUE if the hyphenation minimum word size is to be enabled; FALSE if it is to be disabled.
      • hyphMinPrefix

        public int hyphMinPrefix()
        Return the hyphenation minimum prefix size if enabled
        Hyphenation minimum prefix size.
      • hyphMinPrefix

        public void hyphMinPrefix​(int nNewHyphMinPrefix)
        Set and enable the hyphenation minimum prefix size
        nNewHyphMinPrefix - - New hyphenation minimum prefix size.
      • hyphMinPrefixEnable

        public boolean hyphMinPrefixEnable()
        Query whether the hyphenation minimum prefix size is enabled
        TRUE if enabled; FALSE if not.
      • hyphMinPrefixEnable

        public void hyphMinPrefixEnable​(boolean bNewEnable)
        Enable/disable the hyphenation minimum prefix size
        bNewEnable - - TRUE if the hyphenation minimum prefix size is to be enabled; FALSE if it is to be disabled.
      • hyphMinSuffix

        public int hyphMinSuffix()
        Return the hyphenation minimum suffix size if enabled
        Hyphenation minimum suffix size.
      • hyphMinSuffix

        public void hyphMinSuffix​(int nNewHyphMinSuffix)
        Set and enable the hyphenation minimum suffix size
        nNewHyphMinSuffix - - New hyphenation minimum suffix size.
      • hyphMinSuffixEnable

        public boolean hyphMinSuffixEnable()
        Query whether the hyphenation minimum suffix size is enabled
        TRUE if enabled; FALSE if not.
      • hyphMinSuffixEnable

        public void hyphMinSuffixEnable​(boolean bNewEnable)
        Enable/disable the hyphenation minimum suffix size
        bNewEnable - - TRUE if the hyphenation minimum suffix size is to be enabled; FALSE if it is to be disabled.
      • hyphMaxLines

        public int hyphMaxLines()
        Return the maximum consecutive hyphenated lines if enabled
        Maximum consecutive hyphenated lines.
      • hyphMaxLines

        public void hyphMaxLines​(int nNewHyphMaxLines)
        Set and enable the hyphenation maximum consecutive hyphenated lines
        nNewHyphMaxLines - - New maximum consecutive hyphenated lines.
      • hyphMaxLinesEnable

        public boolean hyphMaxLinesEnable()
        Query whether the maximum consecutive hyphenated lines is enabled
        TRUE if enabled; FALSE if not.
      • hyphMaxLinesEnable

        public void hyphMaxLinesEnable​(boolean bNewEnable)
        Enable/disable the hyphenation maximum consecutive hyphenated lines
        bNewEnable - - TRUE if the maximum consecutive hyphenated lines is to be enabled; FALSE if it is to be disabled.
      • hyphSuppressNames

        public boolean hyphSuppressNames()
        Return the hyphenation suppress formal names if enabled
        Hyphenation suppress formal names.
      • hyphSuppressNames

        public void hyphSuppressNames​(boolean bNewHyphSuppressNames)
        Set and enable the hyphenation suppress formal names
        bNewHyphSuppressNames - - New hyphenation suppress formal names.
      • hyphSuppressNamesEnable

        public boolean hyphSuppressNamesEnable()
        Query whether the hyphenation suppress formal names is enabled
        TRUE if enabled; FALSE if not.
      • hyphSuppressNamesEnable

        public void hyphSuppressNamesEnable​(boolean bNewEnable)
        Enable/disable the hyphenation suppress formal names
        bNewEnable - - TRUE if the hyphenation suppress formal names is to be enabled; FALSE if it is to be disabled.
      • hyphSuppressAcronyms

        public boolean hyphSuppressAcronyms()
        Return the hyphenation suppress acronyms if enabled
        Hyphenation suppress acronyms.
      • hyphSuppressAcronyms

        public void hyphSuppressAcronyms​(boolean bNewHyphSuppressAcronyms)
        Set and enable the hyphenation suppress acronyms
        bNewHyphSuppressAcronyms - - New hyphenation suppress acronyms.
      • hyphSuppressAcronymsEnable

        public boolean hyphSuppressAcronymsEnable()
        Query whether the hyphenation suppress acronyms is enabled
        TRUE if enabled; FALSE if not.
      • hyphSuppressAcronymsEnable

        public void hyphSuppressAcronymsEnable​(boolean bNewEnable)
        Enable/disable the hyphenation suppress acronyms
        bNewEnable - - TRUE if the hyphenation suppress acronyms is to be enabled; FALSE if it is to be disabled.
      • leaderPattern

        public int leaderPattern()
        Retrieve the leader pattern currently in effect.
        Leader pattern code describing how to render tab leaders.
      • leaderPattern

        public void leaderPattern​(int eNewLeaderPattern)
        Change the leader pattern property in this attribute object.
        eNewLeaderPattern - - New leader pattern value to use.
      • leaderPatternEnable

        public boolean leaderPatternEnable()
        Query whether the leader pattern is enabled.
        TRUE if enabled; FALSE if not.
      • leaderPatternEnable

        public void leaderPatternEnable​(boolean bNewEnable)
        Enable/disable the leader pattern.
        bNewEnable - - TRUE if the leader pattern is to be enabled; FALSE if it is to be disabled.
      • leaderPatternWidth

        public TextMeasurement leaderPatternWidth()
        Retrieve the leader pattern width currently in effect.
        Leader pattern width code describing how to render tab leaders.
      • leaderPatternWidth

        public void leaderPatternWidth​(TextMeasurement oNewLeaderPatternWidth)
        Change the leader pattern width property in this attribute object.
        oNewLeaderPatternWidth - - New leader pattern width value to use.
      • leaderPatternWidthEnable

        public boolean leaderPatternWidthEnable()
        Query whether the leader pattern width is enabled.
        TRUE if enabled; FALSE if not.
      • leaderPatternWidthEnable

        public void leaderPatternWidthEnable​(boolean bNewEnable)
        Enable/disable the leader pattern width.
        bNewEnable - - TRUE if the leader pattern width is to be enabled; FALSE if it is to be disabled.
      • leaderAlign

        public int leaderAlign()
        Retrieve the leader alignment currently in effect.
        Leader alignment code describing how to render tab leaders.
      • leaderAlign

        public void leaderAlign​(int eNewLeaderAlign)
        Change the leader alignment property in this attribute object.
        eNewLeaderAlign - - New leader alignment value to use.
      • leaderAlignEnable

        public boolean leaderAlignEnable()
        Query whether the leader alignment is enabled.
        TRUE if enabled; FALSE if not.
      • leaderAlignEnable

        public void leaderAlignEnable​(boolean bNewEnable)
        Enable/disable the leader alignment.
        bNewEnable - - TRUE if the leader alignment is to be enabled; FALSE if it is to be disabled.
      • leaderContent

        public TextStream leaderContent()
        Retrieve the leader content currently in effect.
        Leader content code describing how to render tab leaders.
      • leaderContent

        public void leaderContent​(TextStream oNewLeaderContent)
        Change the leader content property in this attribute object.
        oNewLeaderContent - - New leader content value to use.
      • leaderContentEnable

        public boolean leaderContentEnable()
        Query whether the leader content is enabled.
        TRUE if enabled; FALSE if not.
      • leaderContentEnable

        public void leaderContentEnable​(boolean bNewEnable)
        Enable/disable the leader content.
        bNewEnable - - TRUE if the leader content is to be enabled; FALSE if it is to be disabled.
      • ruleStyle

        public int ruleStyle()
        Retrieve the rule style currently in effect.
        Rule style code describing how to render tab leaders.
      • ruleStyle

        public void ruleStyle​(int eNewRuleStyle)
        Change the rule style property in this attribute object.
        eNewRuleStyle - - New rule style value to use.
      • ruleStyleEnable

        public boolean ruleStyleEnable()
        Query whether the rule style is enabled.
        TRUE if enabled; FALSE if not.
      • ruleStyleEnable

        public void ruleStyleEnable​(boolean bNewEnable)
        Enable/disable the rule style.
        bNewEnable - - TRUE if the rule style is to be enabled; FALSE if it is to be disabled.
      • ruleThickness

        public TextMeasurement ruleThickness()
        Retrieve the rule thickness currently in effect.
        Rule thickness code describing how to render tab leaders.
      • ruleThickness

        public void ruleThickness​(TextMeasurement oNewRuleThickness)
        Change the rule thickness property in this attribute object.
        oNewRuleThickness - - New rule thickness value to use.
      • ruleThicknessEnable

        public boolean ruleThicknessEnable()
        Query whether the rule thickness is enabled.
        TRUE if enabled; FALSE if not.
      • ruleThicknessEnable

        public void ruleThicknessEnable​(boolean bNewEnable)
        Enable/disable the rule thickness.
        bNewEnable - - TRUE if the rule thickness is to be enabled; FALSE if it is to be disabled.
      • horizontalScale

        public double horizontalScale()
        Query the horizontal scale.

        The horizontal scale is applied to the glyph X axis of the font, allowing glyphs to be stretched or shrunk in X independent of Y scaling.

        Horizontal scale factor. Default is 1.0.
      • horizontalScale

        public void horizontalScale​(double nNewHorizontalScale)
        Set the horizontal scale factor.
        nNewHorizontalScale - - New Horizontal scale factor to apply to font.
      • horizontalScaleEnable

        public boolean horizontalScaleEnable()
        Query whether the horizontal scale value is enabled
        TRUE if enabled; FALSE if not.
      • horizontalScaleEnable

        public void horizontalScaleEnable​(boolean bNewEnable)
        Enable/disable the horizontal scale value
        bNewEnable - - TRUE if the horizontal scale value is to be enabled; FALSE if it is to be disabled.
      • verticalScale

        public double verticalScale()
        Query the Vertical scale.

        The vertical scale is applied to the glyph Y axis of the font, allowing glyphs to be stretched or shrunk in Y independent of X scaling.

        Vertical scale factor. Default is 1.0.
      • verticalScale

        public void verticalScale​(double nNewVerticalScale)
        Set the vertical scale factor.
        nNewVerticalScale - - New vertical scale factor to apply to font.
      • verticalScaleEnable

        public boolean verticalScaleEnable()
        Query whether the vertical scale value is enabled
        TRUE if enabled; FALSE if not.
      • verticalScaleEnable

        public void verticalScaleEnable​(boolean bNewEnable)
        Enable/disable the vertical scale value
        bNewEnable - - TRUE if the vertical scale value is to be enabled; FALSE if it is to be disabled.
      • setDefault

        public void setDefault​(boolean bDefault)
        Fill the text attribute holder with default values.

        This method behaves like a Clear() or Reset() method might. It replaces all values in the text attribute object with defaults.

        bDefault - - FALSE if all attributes are to be disabled; TRUE if they are to be enabled with default values.
      • addDisabled

        public void addDisabled​(TextAttr oSource)
        Partial copy, filling in disabled attributes.

        Copy candidate attributes from the source attribute object. An attribute is a candidate for copying if it is disabled in this object and enabled in the source.

        oSource - - Source atrributes for copy.
      • override

        public void override​(TextAttr oOverride,
                             TextAttr poDiffs)
        Partial copy, selecting enabled attributes in the source.

        Copy candidate attributes from the source attribute object. An attribute is a candidate for copying if it is enabled in the source. In other words, this method overrides attributes in this object, but will not override an enabled attribute with a disabled one.

        oOverride - - Source attributes for copy.
        poDiffs - - (optional) Pointer to an attribute to receive just the true differences. If NULL, the differences are not recorded separately.
      • override

        public void override​(TextAttr oOverride)
      • dropDiff

        public void dropDiff​(TextAttr oCompare)
        Disable attributes where different.

        Compare this object against another on an attribute by attribute basis. Where attribute values differ between the two objects, disable them in this object.

        oCompare - - Attribute object to compare against.
      • dropSame

        public void dropSame​(TextAttr oCompare,
                             boolean bPreserveGfx)
        Disable attributes where same.

        Compare this object against another on an attribute by attribute basis. Where attribute values are the same between the two objects, disable them in this object.

        oCompare - - Attribute object to compare against.
        bPreserveGfx - - (optional) If TRUE, don't drop the graphic text attributes even if they are the same. If FALSE (default) don't give graphic text attributes any special treatment.
      • dropSame

        public void dropSame​(TextAttr oCompare)
      • isolatePara

        public void isolatePara​(boolean bKeep,
                                boolean bLegacyPositioning)
        Isolate paragraph attributes.

        Isolate the paragraph attributes in this object either by disabling everything else or by disabling the paragraph attributes.

        bKeep - - (optional) If TRUE (default) paragraph attributes are preserved and all others are disabled. If FALSE paragraph attributes are disabled and all others are preserved.
      • isolatePara

        public void isolatePara​(boolean bKeep)
      • isComplete

        public boolean isComplete()
        Determine whether all attributes are enabled
        TRUE if all attributes are enabled; FALSE if any attribute is disabled.
      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
        Determine whether all attributes are disabled
        TRUE if all attributes are disabled; FALSE if any attribute is enabled.
      • hasParaAttrs

        public boolean hasParaAttrs()
        Determine whether any paragraph attribute is enabled
        TRUE if any paragraph attribute is enabled; FALSE if all paragraph attributes are disabled.
      • formatPercent

        public static String formatPercent​(double dRelative)
        Format a relative value as a percentage.

        Given a relative value, this method returns a string representing that relative value formatted as a percentage. For example, if the relative value is 1.0, the result is "100%". Similarly, a relative value of 0.75 yields a result of "75%".

        dRelative - - Relative value to be formatted.
        String result, as described above.
      • parsePercent

        public static double parsePercent​(String sText,
                                          boolean bAllowNegative)
        Parse a persentage string to get a relative value.

        Given a string, this method parses it as a percentage and returns a relative value. For example, if the string is "120%", the result is 1.2. The percent sign is optional; if omitted, it is assumed. In other words, an input of "1.2" is assumed to mean 1.2% and yields a result of 0.012.

        sText - - Text string to parse.
        bAllowNegative - - (optional) True to allow negative percentages; false (default) to treat them as errors.
        True if the parse succeeded; false if an error occurred.
      • copyFrom

        public void copyFrom​(TextAttr oSource)
        Replace all attributes with those from the source object.

        The standard assignment copies everything, including enabled and disabled status. Graphic source information is also copied.

        oSource - - Source attribute object to copy.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object object)
        Equality comparison operator.

        Compares on an attribute by attribute basis. Two attributes are considered equal if they are both disabled, or they are both enabled and their values compare for equality.

        equals in class TextGfxAttr
        object - Text attribute object to compare against.
        TRUE if the text attribute objects are considered equal; FALSE otherwise.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Returns a hash code value for the object. This method is unsupported.
        hashCode in class TextGfxAttr
      • notEqual

        public boolean notEqual​(TextAttr oCompare)
        Inequality comparison operator.

        Compares on an attribute by attribute basis. Two attributes are considered unequal if their enabled/disabled settings don't match, or if they are both enabled and their values are unequal.

        oCompare - - Text attribute object to compare against.
        TRUE if the text attribute objects are considered not equal; FALSE otherwise.
      • defaultAttr

        public static TextAttr defaultAttr​(boolean bDefault)
        Return a reference to a constant default text attribute object.

        Returns a reference to a pre-constructed text attribute object. The agttributes may all be disabled or they may all be set to default values.

        bDefault - - FALSE if attributes are to be disabled; TRUE if they are to be enabled with default values.
        Reference to the default text attribute object.
      • updateFont

        public void updateFont()
      • updateFont

        public void updateFont​(com.adobe.xfa.text.TextAttr.FontDesc oNewFontDesc)
      • updateFont

        public void updateFont​(FontInstance oNewFont,
                               String sOriginalTypeface,
                               boolean bUpdateOptional)
      • updateFont

        public void updateFont​(FontInstance oNewFont,
                               String sOriginalTypeface)
      • updateFont

        public void updateFont​(TextAttr oSource)
      • debug

        public void debug()
      • getFloatValue

        public double getFloatValue​(int nIndex)
      • setFloatValue

        public void setFloatValue​(int nIndex,
                                  double nNewValue,
                                  boolean bEnable)
      • setFloatValue

        public void setFloatValue​(int nIndex,
                                  double nNewValue)
      • isFloatEnabled

        public boolean isFloatEnabled​(int nIndex)
      • enableFloat

        public void enableFloat​(int nIndex,
                                boolean bEnable)