Class TextLayout

  • public class TextLayout
    extends Object
    The client creates an instance of this class to manage the process of generating text stream content from rendering and content. It also describes the rendering of text after user edits have been made. The client builds the layout object by adding one or more lines of runs. A layout object instance corresponds to the content of one frame.

    The rendering-based client loads text layout objects from its persistence format according to its own needs, or on demand as editing events cause AXTE to demand frame content. Editing itself occurs on a text stream object through the AXTE API. When the user directs AXTEs client to save data, the client would run through loaded frames and generate new persistence data for them.

    • Constructor Detail

      • TextLayout

        public TextLayout()
        Default constructor.

        The layout is initially empty of lines.

      • TextLayout

        public TextLayout​(TextLayout oSource)
        Copy Constructor.

        Initializes this layout to be a copy of the given source layout. Note that lines are copied by reference only.

        oSource - - Source layout to copy.
    • Method Detail

      • reset

        public void reset()
        Reset the layout object to its initial state.

        The client typically calls this method after one stream generation operation, in order to perform a second one. There is no harm in calling Reset() repeatedly or calling it on a just-created layout object.

      • addLine

        public TextLayoutLine addLine​(TextLayoutLine poLine)
        Add a line to the layout object.
        poLine - - Pointer to line object to add to the layout object. Note that AXTE always caches its own copies of objects. In other words, a clone of the given line will be added to the layout object. The client is free to delete the line identified by this parameter as soon as the call returns.
        Pointer to the copy actually added. This is for caller information only and must not be altered.
      • addLineRef

        public void addLineRef​(TextLayoutLine poLine)
        Add a line to the layout object, by reference.
        poLine - - Pointer to line object to add to the layout object. This is assumed to be a reference counted object. The layout object will add its own reference to the given line.
      • getLineCount

        public int getLineCount()
        Return the number of lines in the layout.
        Number of lines in the layout.
      • getLine

        public TextLayoutLine getLine​(int nIndex)
        Get one line from the layout object.
        nIndex - - Index of line to retrieve.
        Pointer to the requested line
      • generateStream

        public TextDisplay generateStream​(TextDispStr oTarget,
                                          GFXEnv poGfxEnv)
        Populate the given displayable stream and its display with information from this layout object.

        This call is rather destructive for the target stream, which loses all its content and display. In addition, any position and range objects associated with the stream become detached from it.

        This method first removes the old Unicode content and the stream's display if there was one. Upon return, the stream will contain both Unicode content and a new display that effectively contains the run content as added. Once the operation is complete, the client then uses the resulting stream for all interaction. At the end of editing the client extracts the modified rendering from the stream.

        A successful operation implicitly ends with a call to the Reset() method.

        Note that this method generates a single-frame displayable stream. For a multi-frame sparse stream, the client doesn't use this method. Instead, it creates multiple layout instances, one for each frame that needs to be loaded, typically under sparse stream call-back control.

        oTarget - - Target stream to receive this layout objects content. This is an instance of the abstract TextDispStr class, allowing the client to use an instance of any of the displayable stream types. Note that the XTG Font Service instance associated with this stream must be the same as that associated with the fonts in all the runs added to the rendering.
        poGfxEnv - - Abstract graphic environment for the stream/display to use.
        - Pointer to the newly created display for the stream. Note that this can be queried from the stream at any time.
      • format

        public void format​(TextDispStr oSource,
                           boolean bAllowCharGlyphs,
                           GFXEnv poGfxEnv)
        Populate this layout object with the text rendering from the given displayable stream.

        Any previously existing content in this layout object is first removed. The resulting layout will contain original runs wherever possible. Where edits have occurred, new runs may be created.

        oSource - - Input displayable stream to extract the layout from. If the stream doesnt have a display, one is created.
        bAllowCharGlyphs - - If false, all glyphs in the output runs are specified by glyph IDs. If true, AXTE will attempt to convert from glyph IDs back to original characters where reasonable.
        poGfxEnv - - Optional abstract graphic environment. The client need not provide either scroller or environment if the stream already has a display. If the stream does not have a display, one will be created with the scroller and/or environment provided.
      • isSuspect

        public boolean isSuspect()
      • setIsSuspect

        public void setIsSuspect​(boolean bIsSuspect)
      • copyFrom

        public void copyFrom​(TextLayout oSource)
        Assignment operator.

        Copies the content of the given source layout to this layout, replacing all of its data members. Note that lines are copied by reference only.

        oSource - - Source layout to copy.
      • cloneLayout

        public TextLayout cloneLayout()
        Create a correctly-typed copy of this layout object.

        Clients don't generally extend this class, but if they do, they can implement this method to ensure that a correctly-typed copy gets created if a copy of the layout is made. AXTE currently doesn't create copies of layout objects, but may in the future.

        Pointer to cloned layout object.