Class TextMarkupBase

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    MarkupOut, TextPosnBase

    public abstract class TextMarkupBase
    extends Object
    As an abstract base class, TextMarkupBase defines the semantics for building a representation of rich text from a series of method calls. It was designed as the base class for output markup engines, which translate those calls into their respective markup languages. In addition, serves as the base class for the text position classes, because a position can also build up (add) rich text in its underlying stream through a series of method calls.

    For more information, please see the extenral documentation.

    • Constructor Detail

      • TextMarkupBase

        public TextMarkupBase()
    • Method Detail

      • text

        public abstract void text​(String sText)
        Add text to the rich text representation.
        sText - - Text to be added.
      • attr

        public abstract void attr​(TextAttr oAttr)
        Change attributes in the rich text representation.

        Because the rich text representation is built up serially, this method sets the attributes for subsequent text, until called again.

        oAttr - - Attributes to set. The implementation must honour enabled attributes and carry forward disabled ones.
      • para

        public abstract void para()
        Output a paragraph break to the rich text representation.
      • field

        public void field​(TextField poField)
        Add a field to the rich text representation.
      • openScopedBlock

        public void openScopedBlock()
      • closeScopedBlock

        public void closeScopedBlock()
      • issueFirstPara

        public boolean issueFirstPara()
      • legacyPositioning

        public boolean legacyPositioning()
      • marker

        public void marker​(TextMarker poMarker)
        Append a position marker to the markup output.
        poMarker - - Pointer to marker to append. Note that markers are always cloned on insertion, so a copy actually gets inserted. The caller continues to retain ownership of the instance referred to by this parameter, and can delete it any time after the call.
      • markerStart

        public TextMarker markerStart​(TextMarker poMarker)
        Start a range marker in the markup output.

        There must be a corresponding call to MarkerEnd() sometime later in the translation for the markup operation to be considered valid.

        poMarker - - Pointer to marker to append. Note that markers are always cloned on insertion, so a copy actually gets inserted. The caller continues to retain ownership of the instance referred to by this parameter, and can delete it any time after the call.
        Pointer to a marker object that represents the range marker in the output. While this is a non-const pointer, it is owned by AXTE and must not be modified by the client. The client must hang on to this pointer to complete the range. The client can perform one of two mutually-exclusive actions with this pointer. Normally, it passes it to a subsequent call to MarkerEnd() to complete the range. Alternatively, it may subsequently remove its reference, cancelling the marker range. The client must not perform both these actions on a single pointer, nor may it perform any other actions on the pointer.
      • markerEnd

        public void markerEnd​(TextMarker poMarker)
        End a range marker in the markup output.

        This must occur some time after a corresponding call to MarkerStart() earlier in the translation for the markup operation to be considered valid.

        poMarker - - Pointer to the marker object returned by the earlier call to MarkerStart(). The client must use the return value of that earlier call, not the value passed into it. In making this call, the client transfers ownership if its reference to AXTE and must not subsequenty attempt to remove that reference on this marker.
      • attributePtr

        public TextAttr attributePtr()
        Query the attributes currently in effect.
        A pointer to the attributes currently in effect. The default implementation returns NULL.