Class XMPLanguageAlternative

  • public class XMPLanguageAlternative
    extends Object
    Language alternatives allow the text value of a property to be chosen based on a desired language. XMPLanguageAlternative is implemented as a XMPArray (Alternate) whose children are XMPSimple with text value, each of which must have a language qualifier (xml:lang) associated with it.
    • Method Detail

      • getArray

        public XMPArray getArray()
        Gets underlying XMPArray
      • newInstance

        public static XMPLanguageAlternative newInstance​(XMPArray array)
        Constructs a XMPLanguageAlternative which wraps the given XMPArray. If this XMPArray does not represent a Lang Alt as per XMP Specification this method returns null. To detect whether a language alternative, these prerequisites must be fulfilled:
        • the array contains only simple properties
        • at least one property has an xml:lang qualifier.
        array -
      • normalize

        public void normalize()
        This will normalize the alternative array to meet the criteria of a XMPLanguage alternative. This is only important if a XMPArray is constructed outside of this facade and then used within this context. If you only use this facade, a currupt XMPArray will never be created. Normalization will do the following:
        • x-default is moved to top (first one if multiple)
        • Items with empty languages become the default language, when there is no "x-default". (first one if multiple)
        • Any other item qualifiers than xml:lang are deleted.
        • language will be normalized to RFC 3066 form
        after cleanup, other x-defaults than the first one and other items with no xml:lang will not be deleted at this point x-defaults will be deleted while setting a new default. Emptys will be preserved but not accessible with this fassade.
      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
        Checks if the Language Alternative is empty
        True if the array is empty False otherwise
      • size

        public int size()
        returns the number of elements
        the number of elements
      • clear

        public void clear()
        Delete all elements
      • setLocalizedText

        public XMPSimple setLocalizedText​(String language,
                                          String value)
        Set or overwrites a localized text entry for this language alternative.
        language - the language String, has to follow the RFC 3066 format
        value - the value for this language alternative entry
        the localized text entry just created or null if nothing was created
        IllegalArgumentException - IllegalArgumentException is thrown if value is null
      • setDefaultText

        public XMPSimple setDefaultText​(String language,
                                        String value)
        Set or overwrites the default localized text entry for this language alternative.
        language - the language of the default entry (or null or x-default. if no specific language is given)
        value - the value for this language alternative entry
        the localized text entry just created or null if nothing was created
      • setDefaultText

        public XMPSimple setDefaultText​(String value)
        Sets the default text entry (first one in array) in an language alternative array. If a new entry must be created (array is empty), x-default will be used as language
        value - the value for this language alternative entry
        the localized text entry just created or null if nothing was created
      • setDefaultLanguage

        public XMPSimple setDefaultLanguage​(String language)
        Sets the entry with a certain language as the default entry (pushes it to the first location)
        language - the language to set as default
        the new default entry or null if nothing could be set (language entry does not exist)
      • getLocalizedText

        public XMPSimple getLocalizedText​(String language)
        Returns the language alternative array item for a specific language If language is x-default the first entry of the array is returned, even if someone accidently added an "x-default" entry at another position than the first one (not possible while using this class)
        language - the language for the desired array item
        the array item requested or null if it does not exist
      • getDefaultText

        public XMPSimple getDefaultText()
        Returns the default language from an alternative array. This is always the first entry (even if someone accidently added an "x-default" entry at another position than the first one (not possible while using this class)
        the array item requested or null if it does not exist
      • getAvailableLanguages

        public List<String> getAvailableLanguages()
        Returns a list of languages that are set in this language alternative.
      • removeLocalizedText

        public XMPSimple removeLocalizedText​(String language)
        Removes the specified language item from an alternative array
        language - the language that shall be removed
        the removed item or null if it did not exist
      • removeDefaultText

        public XMPSimple removeDefaultText()
        removes the default entry (the first one) and the second one will be default
        the removed item or null if it did not exist