Class ListSorter

  • public class ListSorter
    extends Object
    A data-object that holds data related to list sorting - property and direction
    • Constructor Detail

      • ListSorter

        public ListSorter()
    • Method Detail

      • property

        public ListSorter property​(String p)
        Sets the property for this sorter
        p - a String object representing the name of the property
        an instance of this object
      • ascending

        public ListSorter ascending()
        Signals that the sorting should be done in acending mode
        an instance of this object
      • descending

        public ListSorter descending()
        Signals that sorting should be done in descending mode
        an instance of this object
      • isAscending

        public boolean isAscending()
        Returns the type of sorting that is used
        true if this sorter uses ascending sorting, false otherwise
      • getProperty

        public String getProperty()
        Returns the name of the property used for sorting
        a String representing the name of the property used for sorting.