Class SearchIndexSuggestionExtractor.Options

    • Field Detail

      • minimizeIndex

        public boolean minimizeIndex
        Whether the index should be minimized. That means (longer) term prefixes that result in only one suggestion should not be indexed; only the first prefix that will result in this single suggestion would be stored, but not for the remaining letters of the suggested word. See also SuggestionIndex.index(java.util.List, int, boolean). Defaults to true.
      • maxTerms

        public int maxTerms
        Maximum number of the most frequent terms to extract from the Lucene index. Use 0 or smaller for no limit. Defaults to 10000.
      • minFrequency

        public int minFrequency
        Minimum threshold for the frequence of a term to be included. Defaults to 2.
      • minTermLength

        public int minTermLength
        Minimum length in characters of a term to be included. Defaults to 3.
      • stopWordsFile

        public String stopWordsFile
        Path to a stop words file in the repository. These are terms that will be ignored if found in the Lucene index.

        This must be a text file containing one word per line; lines starting with "#" are ignored, as well as leading and trailing whitespace.

        To support multiple stop word files, please merge them in a new file and point to that one.

        Defaults to a built-in english stop words file at /libs/cq/search/content/suggest/stopwords/en.txt.

      • properties

        public Set<String> properties
        JCR properties from which to extract the terms. Use FULL_TEXT for the node-scoped full text index. Defaults to text and title.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Options

        public Options​(boolean useDefaultProperties)
        Creates new Options.
        useDefaultProperties - if the properties should be initialized with default values or not