Class SelectivePropHitWriter

    • Constructor Detail

      • SelectivePropHitWriter

        public SelectivePropHitWriter()
    • Method Detail

      • write

        public void write​(Hit hit,
                          JSONWriter writer,
                          Query query)
                   throws RepositoryException,
        Description copied from interface: ResultHitWriter
        Writes a given Hit into the JSONWriter. This will be called for each hit of the result page. The surrounding json structure is an array and each entry should be a simple object. The caller will have invoked the writer.object() already and will call writer.endObject() directly after this method returns.
        Specified by:
        write in interface ResultHitWriter
        hit - the result hit to render
        writer - to output json
        query - the original query; can be used to access custom parameters set in the predicate root group ( query.getPredicates().get("param", "default"))
        RepositoryException - in case access on the hit failed
        JSONException - in case there is a problem with writing to the jsonwriter