Package com.drew.lang

Class GeoLocation

  • public final class GeoLocation
    extends Object
    Represents a latitude and longitude pair, giving a position on earth in spherical coordinates.

    Values of latitude and longitude are given in degrees.

    This type is immutable.

    • Constructor Detail

      • GeoLocation

        public GeoLocation​(double latitude,
                           double longitude)
        Instantiates a new instance of GeoLocation.
        latitude - the latitude, in degrees
        longitude - the longitude, in degrees
    • Method Detail

      • getLatitude

        public double getLatitude()
        the latitudinal angle of this location, in degrees.
      • getLongitude

        public double getLongitude()
        the longitudinal angle of this location, in degrees.
      • isZero

        public boolean isZero()
        true, if both latitude and longitude are equal to zero
      • decimalToDegreesMinutesSecondsString

        public static String decimalToDegreesMinutesSecondsString​(double decimal)
        Converts a decimal degree angle into its corresponding DMS (degrees-minutes-seconds) representation as a string, of format: -1° 23' 4.56"
      • decimalToDegreesMinutesSeconds

        public static double[] decimalToDegreesMinutesSeconds​(double decimal)
        Converts a decimal degree angle into its corresponding DMS (degrees-minutes-seconds) component values, as a double array.
      • degreesMinutesSecondsToDecimal

        public static Double degreesMinutesSecondsToDecimal​(Rational degs,
                                                            Rational mins,
                                                            Rational secs,
                                                            boolean isNegative)
        Converts DMS (degrees-minutes-seconds) rational values, as given in GpsDirectory, into a single value in degrees, as a double.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • toString

        public String toString()
        toString in class Object
        a string representation of this location, of format: 1.23, 4.56
      • toDMSString

        public String toDMSString()
        a string representation of this location, of format: -1° 23' 4.56", 54° 32' 1.92"