Class JsonLocation

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class JsonLocation
    extends Object
    implements Serializable
    Object that encapsulates Location information used for reporting parsing (or potentially generation) errors, as well as current location within input streams.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail


        public static final int MAX_CONTENT_SNIPPET
        Include at most first 500 characters/bytes from contents; should be enough to give context, but not cause unfortunate side effects in things like logs.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • NA

        public static final JsonLocation NA
        Shared immutable "N/A location" that can be returned to indicate that no location information is available.

        NOTE: before 2.9, Location was given as String "N/A"; with 2.9 it was removed so that source should be indicated as "UNKNOWN".

    • Constructor Detail

      • JsonLocation

        public JsonLocation​(Object srcRef,
                            long totalChars,
                            int lineNr,
                            int colNr)
      • JsonLocation

        public JsonLocation​(Object sourceRef,
                            long totalBytes,
                            long totalChars,
                            int lineNr,
                            int columnNr)
    • Method Detail

      • getSourceRef

        public Object getSourceRef()
        Reference to the original resource being read, if one available. For example, when a parser has been constructed by passing a File instance, this method would return that File. Will return null if no such reference is available, for example when InputStream was used to construct the parser instance.
      • getLineNr

        public int getLineNr()
        Line number of the location (1-based)
      • getColumnNr

        public int getColumnNr()
        Column number of the location (1-based)
      • getCharOffset

        public long getCharOffset()
        Character offset within underlying stream, reader or writer, if available; -1 if not.
      • getByteOffset

        public long getByteOffset()
        Byte offset within underlying stream, reader or writer, if available; -1 if not.
      • sourceDescription

        public String sourceDescription()
        Accessor for getting a textual description of source reference (Object returned by getSourceRef()), as included in description returned by toString().

        NOTE: not added as a "getter" to prevent it from getting serialized.

      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object