Class SimpleMixInResolver

    • Method Detail

      • withoutLocalDefinitions

        public SimpleMixInResolver withoutLocalDefinitions()
        Mutant factory method that constructs a new instance that has no locally defined mix-in/target mappings.
      • setLocalDefinitions

        public void setLocalDefinitions​(Map<Class<?>,​Class<?>> sourceMixins)
      • addLocalDefinition

        public void addLocalDefinition​(Class<?> target,
                                       Class<?> mixinSource)
      • localSize

        public int localSize()
      • hasMixIns

        public boolean hasMixIns()
        Method that may be called for optimization purposes, to see if calls to mix-in resolver may be avoided. Return value of true means that it is possible that a mix-in class will be found; false that no mix-in will ever be found. In latter case caller can avoid calls altogether.

        Note that the reason for "empty" resolvers is to use "null object" for simplifying code.

        True, if this resolver MAY have mix-ins to apply; false if not (it is "empty")