Class MinMaxPriorityQueue.Builder<B>

    • Method Detail

      • expectedSize

        public MinMaxPriorityQueue.Builder<B> expectedSize​(int expectedSize)
        Configures this builder to build min-max priority queues with an initial expected size of expectedSize.
      • maximumSize

        public MinMaxPriorityQueue.Builder<B> maximumSize​(int maximumSize)
        Configures this builder to build MinMaxPriorityQueue instances that are limited to maximumSize elements. Each time a queue grows beyond this bound, it immediately removes its greatest element (according to its comparator), which might be the element that was just added.
      • create

        public <T extends BMinMaxPriorityQueue<T> create()
        Builds a new min-max priority queue using the previously specified options, and having no initial contents.
      • create

        public <T extends BMinMaxPriorityQueue<T> create​(Iterable<? extends T> initialContents)
        Builds a new min-max priority queue using the previously specified options, and having the given initial elements.