Interface SortedMultiset<E>

    • Method Detail

      • comparator

        Comparator<? super E> comparator()
        Returns the comparator that orders this multiset, or Ordering.natural() if the natural ordering of the elements is used.
      • firstEntry

        Multiset.Entry<E> firstEntry()
        Returns the entry of the first element in this multiset, or null if this multiset is empty.
      • lastEntry

        Multiset.Entry<E> lastEntry()
        Returns the entry of the last element in this multiset, or null if this multiset is empty.
      • pollFirstEntry

        Multiset.Entry<E> pollFirstEntry()
        Returns and removes the entry associated with the lowest element in this multiset, or returns null if this multiset is empty.
      • pollLastEntry

        Multiset.Entry<E> pollLastEntry()
        Returns and removes the entry associated with the greatest element in this multiset, or returns null if this multiset is empty.
      • elementSet

        NavigableSet<E> elementSet()
        Returns a NavigableSet view of the distinct elements in this multiset.
        Specified by:
        elementSet in interface Multiset<E>
        a view of the set of distinct elements in this multiset
        14.0 (present with return type SortedSet since 11.0)
      • iterator

        Iterator<E> iterator()

        Elements that occur multiple times in the multiset will appear multiple times in this iterator, though not necessarily sequentially.

        The iterator returns the elements in ascending order according to this multiset's comparator.

        Specified by:
        iterator in interface Collection<E>
        Specified by:
        iterator in interface Iterable<E>
        Specified by:
        iterator in interface Multiset<E>
      • descendingMultiset

        SortedMultiset<E> descendingMultiset()
        Returns a descending view of this multiset. Modifications made to either map will be reflected in the other.
      • headMultiset

        SortedMultiset<E> headMultiset​(E upperBound,
                                       BoundType boundType)
        Returns a view of this multiset restricted to the elements less than upperBound, optionally including upperBound itself. The returned multiset is a view of this multiset, so changes to one will be reflected in the other. The returned multiset supports all operations that this multiset supports.

        The returned multiset will throw an IllegalArgumentException on attempts to add elements outside its range.

      • subMultiset

        SortedMultiset<E> subMultiset​(E lowerBound,
                                      BoundType lowerBoundType,
                                      E upperBound,
                                      BoundType upperBoundType)
        Returns a view of this multiset restricted to the range between lowerBound and upperBound. The returned multiset is a view of this multiset, so changes to one will be reflected in the other. The returned multiset supports all operations that this multiset supports.

        The returned multiset will throw an IllegalArgumentException on attempts to add elements outside its range.

        This method is equivalent to tailMultiset(lowerBound, lowerBoundType).headMultiset(upperBound, upperBoundType).

      • tailMultiset

        SortedMultiset<E> tailMultiset​(E lowerBound,
                                       BoundType boundType)
        Returns a view of this multiset restricted to the elements greater than lowerBound, optionally including lowerBound itself. The returned multiset is a view of this multiset, so changes to one will be reflected in the other. The returned multiset supports all operations that this multiset supports.

        The returned multiset will throw an IllegalArgumentException on attempts to add elements outside its range.