Package javax.json

Interface JsonArray

    • Method Detail

      • getValuesAs

        default <T,​K extends JsonValueList<T> getValuesAs​(Function<K,​T> func)
        Returns a list for the array. The value and the type of the elements in the list is specified by the func argument.

        This method can be used to obtain a list of the unwrapped types, such as

             List<String> strings = ary1.getValuesAs(JsonString::getString);
             List<Integer> ints = ary2.getValuesAs(JsonNumber::intValue);
        It can also be used to obtain a list of simple projections, such as
             Lsit<Integer> stringsizes = arr.getValueAs((JsonString v) -> v.getString().length();
        Type Parameters:
        K - The element type (must be a subtype of JsonValue) of this JsonArray.
        T - The element type of the returned List
        func - The function that maps the elements of this JsonArray to the target elements.
        A List of the specified values and type.
        ClassCastException - if the JsonArray contains a value of wrong type
      • getString

        String getString​(int index)
        the native String at the given position
        IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is out of range
        ClassCastException - if the value at the specified position is not assignable to a String
      • getString

        String getString​(int index,
                         String defaultValue)
        the native String at the given position or the defaultValue if null
        IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is out of range
        ClassCastException - if the value at the specified position is not assignable to a String
      • getInt

        int getInt​(int index,
                   int defaultValue)
        the native int value at the given position or the defaultValue if null
        IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is out of range
        ClassCastException - if the value at the specified position is not assignable to an int
      • getBoolean

        boolean getBoolean​(int index)
        the native boolean value at the given position
        IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is out of range
        ClassCastException - if the value at the specified position is not assignable to a boolean
        NullPointerException - if an object with the given name doesn't exist
      • getBoolean

        boolean getBoolean​(int index,
                           boolean defaultValue)
        the native boolean value at the given position or the defaultValue if null
        IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is out of range
        ClassCastException - if the value at the specified position is not assignable to a boolean