Class MessageDigestCalculatingInputStream

    • Constructor Detail

      • MessageDigestCalculatingInputStream

        public MessageDigestCalculatingInputStream​(InputStream inputStream,
                                                   MessageDigest MessageDigest)
        Creates a new instance, which calculates a signature on the given stream, using the given MessageDigest.
        inputStream - the stream to calculate the message digest for
        MessageDigest - the message digest to use
      • MessageDigestCalculatingInputStream

        public MessageDigestCalculatingInputStream​(InputStream inputStream,
                                                   String algorithm)
                                            throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
        Creates a new instance, which calculates a signature on the given stream, using a MessageDigest with the given algorithm.
        inputStream - the stream to calculate the message digest for
        algorithm - the name of the algorithm to use
        NoSuchAlgorithmException - if no Provider supports a MessageDigestSpi implementation for the specified algorithm.
      • MessageDigestCalculatingInputStream

        public MessageDigestCalculatingInputStream​(InputStream inputStream)
                                            throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
        Creates a new instance, which calculates a signature on the given stream, using a MessageDigest with the "MD5" algorithm.
        inputStream - the stream to calculate the message digest for
        NoSuchAlgorithmException - if no Provider supports a MessageDigestSpi implementation for the specified algorithm.
    • Method Detail

      • getMessageDigest

        public MessageDigest getMessageDigest()
        Returns the MessageDigest, which is being used for generating the checksum. Note: The checksum will only reflect the data, which has been read so far. This is probably not, what you expect. Make sure, that the complete data has been read, if that is what you want. The easiest way to do so is by invoking ObservableInputStream.consume().
        the message digest used