Class NonMonotonousSequenceException

    • Constructor Detail

      • NonMonotonousSequenceException

        public NonMonotonousSequenceException​(Number wrong,
                                              Number previous,
                                              int index)
        Construct the exception. This constructor uses default values assuming that the sequence should have been strictly increasing.
        wrong - Value that did not match the requirements.
        previous - Previous value in the sequence.
        index - Index of the value that did not match the requirements.
      • NonMonotonousSequenceException

        public NonMonotonousSequenceException​(Number wrong,
                                              Number previous,
                                              int index,
                                              MathUtils.OrderDirection direction,
                                              boolean strict)
        Construct the exception.
        wrong - Value that did not match the requirements.
        previous - Previous value in the sequence.
        index - Index of the value that did not match the requirements.
        direction - Strictly positive for a sequence required to be increasing, negative (or zero) for a decreasing sequence.
        strict - Whether the sequence must be strictly increasing or decreasing.
    • Method Detail

      • getStrict

        public boolean getStrict()
        true is the sequence should be strictly monotonous.
      • getIndex

        public int getIndex()
        Get the index of the wrong value.
        the current index.
      • getPrevious

        public Number getPrevious()
        the previous value.