Class Product

    • Constructor Detail

      • Product

        public Product()
        Create a Product instance
      • Product

        public Product​(Product original)
        Copy constructor, creates a new Product identical to the original
        original - the Product instance to copy
    • Method Detail

      • getN

        public long getN()
        Returns the number of values that have been added.
        Specified by:
        getN in interface StorelessUnivariateStatistic
        the number of values.
      • evaluate

        public double evaluate​(double[] values,
                               int begin,
                               int length)
        Returns the product of the entries in the specified portion of the input array, or Double.NaN if the designated subarray is empty.

        Throws IllegalArgumentException if the array is null.

        Specified by:
        evaluate in interface UnivariateStatistic
        evaluate in class AbstractStorelessUnivariateStatistic
        values - the input array
        begin - index of the first array element to include
        length - the number of elements to include
        the product of the values or Double.NaN if length = 0
        IllegalArgumentException - if the array is null or the array index parameters are not valid
        See Also:
        UnivariateStatistic.evaluate(double[], int, int)
      • evaluate

        public double evaluate​(double[] values,
                               double[] weights,
                               int begin,
                               int length)

        Returns the weighted product of the entries in the specified portion of the input array, or Double.NaN if the designated subarray is empty.

        Throws IllegalArgumentException if any of the following are true:

        • the values array is null
        • the weights array is null
        • the weights array does not have the same length as the values array
        • the weights array contains one or more infinite values
        • the weights array contains one or more NaN values
        • the weights array contains negative values
        • the start and length arguments do not determine a valid array

        Uses the formula,

            weighted product = ∏values[i]weights[i]
        that is, the weights are applied as exponents when computing the weighted product.

        Specified by:
        evaluate in interface WeightedEvaluation
        values - the input array
        weights - the weights array
        begin - index of the first array element to include
        length - the number of elements to include
        the product of the values or Double.NaN if length = 0
        IllegalArgumentException - if the parameters are not valid
      • evaluate

        public double evaluate​(double[] values,
                               double[] weights)

        Returns the weighted product of the entries in the input array.

        Throws IllegalArgumentException if any of the following are true:

        • the values array is null
        • the weights array is null
        • the weights array does not have the same length as the values array
        • the weights array contains one or more infinite values
        • the weights array contains one or more NaN values
        • the weights array contains negative values

        Uses the formula,

            weighted product = ∏values[i]weights[i]
        that is, the weights are applied as exponents when computing the weighted product.

        Specified by:
        evaluate in interface WeightedEvaluation
        values - the input array
        weights - the weights array
        the product of the values or Double.NaN if length = 0
        IllegalArgumentException - if the parameters are not valid
      • copy

        public static void copy​(Product source,
                                Product dest)
        Copies source to dest.

        Neither source nor dest can be null.

        source - Product to copy
        dest - Product to copy to
        NullPointerException - if either source or dest is null