Class Result

    • Constructor Detail

      • Result

        public Result​(Result.Status s,
                      String explanation)
        Build a single-value Result
        s - if lower than OK, our status is set to OK
        explanation - message for the status
      • Result

        public Result​(Result.Status s,
                      String explanation,
                      Exception e)
        Build a single-value Result with exception
        s - if lower than OK, our status is set to OK
        explanation - message for the status
        e - the exception for this Result
      • Result

        public Result​(ResultLog log)
        Build a a Result based on a ResultLog, which can provide more details than a single-value Result
        log - the log to base the result on
    • Method Detail

      • isOk

        public boolean isOk()
        True if our status is OK - provides a convenient way of checking that
        true if the status is ok.
      • getStatus

        public Result.Status getStatus()
        the status of this result