Class ProtocolVersion

    • Constructor Detail

      • ProtocolVersion

        public ProtocolVersion​(String protocol,
                               int major,
                               int minor)
        Create a protocol version designator.
        protocol - the name of the protocol, for example "HTTP"
        major - the major version number of the protocol
        minor - the minor version number of the protocol
    • Method Detail

      • getProtocol

        public final String getProtocol()
        Returns the name of the protocol.
        the protocol name
      • getMajor

        public final int getMajor()
        Returns the major version number of the protocol.
        the major version number.
      • getMinor

        public final int getMinor()
        Returns the minor version number of the HTTP protocol.
        the minor version number.
      • forVersion

        public ProtocolVersion forVersion​(int major,
                                          int minor)
        Obtains a specific version of this protocol. This can be used by derived classes to instantiate themselves instead of the base class, and to define constants for commonly used versions.

        The default implementation in this class returns this if the version matches, and creates a new ProtocolVersion otherwise.

        major - the major version
        minor - the minor version
        a protocol version with the same protocol name and the argument version
      • equals

        public final boolean equals​(Object obj)
        Checks equality of this protocol version with an object. The object is equal if it is a protocl version with the same protocol name, major version number, and minor version number. The specific class of the object is not relevant, instances of derived classes with identical attributes are equal to instances of the base class and vice versa.
        equals in class Object
        obj - the object to compare with
        true if the argument is the same protocol version, false otherwise
      • isComparable

        public boolean isComparable​(ProtocolVersion that)
        Checks whether this protocol can be compared to another one. Only protocol versions with the same protocol name can be compared.
        that - the protocol version to consider
        true if compareToVersion can be called with the argument, false otherwise
      • compareToVersion

        public int compareToVersion​(ProtocolVersion that)
        Compares this protocol version with another one. Only protocol versions with the same protocol name can be compared. This method does not define a total ordering, as it would be required for Comparable.
        that - the protocol version to compare with
        a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this version is less than, equal to, or greater than the argument version.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the argument has a different protocol name than this object, or if the argument is null
      • greaterEquals

        public final boolean greaterEquals​(ProtocolVersion version)
        Tests if this protocol version is greater or equal to the given one.
        version - the version against which to check this version
        true if this protocol version is comparable to the argument and compares as greater or equal, false otherwise
      • lessEquals

        public final boolean lessEquals​(ProtocolVersion version)
        Tests if this protocol version is less or equal to the given one.
        version - the version against which to check this version
        true if this protocol version is comparable to the argument and compares as less or equal, false otherwise
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Converts this protocol version to a string.
        toString in class Object
        a protocol version string, like "HTTP/1.1"