Interface MemcachedCacheEntry

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface MemcachedCacheEntry
    Provides for serialization and deserialization of higher-level HttpCacheEntry objects into byte arrays suitable for storage in memcached. Clients wishing to change the serialization mechanism from the provided defaults should implement this interface as well as MemcachedCacheEntryFactory.
    • Method Detail

      • toByteArray

        byte[] toByteArray()
        Returns a serialized representation of the current cache entry.
      • getStorageKey

        String getStorageKey()
        Returns the storage key associated with this entry. May return null if this is an "unset" instance waiting to be set(byte[]) with a serialized representation.
      • getHttpCacheEntry

        HttpCacheEntry getHttpCacheEntry()
        Returns the HttpCacheEntry associated with this entry. May return null if this is an "unset" instance waiting to be set(byte[]) with a serialized representation.