Interface HttpAsyncResponseConsumer<T>

    • Method Detail

      • consumeContent

        void consumeContent​(ContentDecoder decoder,
                            IOControl ioctrl)
                     throws IOException
        Invoked to process a chunk of content from the ContentDecoder. The IOControl interface can be used to suspend input event notifications if the consumer is temporarily unable to process content.

        The consumer can use the ContentDecoder.isCompleted() method to find out whether or not the message content has been fully consumed.

        Please note that the ContentDecoder object is not thread-safe and should only be used within the context of this method call. The IOControl object can be shared and used on other thread to resume input event notifications when the consumer is capable of processing more content.

        decoder - content decoder.
        ioctrl - I/O control of the underlying connection.
        IOException - in case of an I/O error
      • responseCompleted

        void responseCompleted​(HttpContext context)
        Invoked to signal that the response has been fully processed.
        context - HTTP context
      • failed

        void failed​(Exception ex)
        Invoked to signal that the response processing terminated abnormally.
        ex - exception
      • getException

        Exception getException()
        Returns an exception in case of an abnormal termination. This method returns null if the response processing is still ongoing or if it completed successfully.
        See Also:
      • getResult

        T getResult()
        Returns a result of the response processing, when available. This method returns null if the response processing is still ongoing.
        See Also:
      • isDone

        boolean isDone()
        Determines whether or not the response processing completed. If the response processing terminated normally getResult() can be used to obtain the result. If the response processing terminated abnormally getException() can be used to obtain the cause.