Class LuceneInitializerHelper

    • Constructor Detail

      • LuceneInitializerHelper

        public LuceneInitializerHelper​(String name)
      • LuceneInitializerHelper

        public LuceneInitializerHelper​(String name,
                                       Boolean storageEnabled)
      • LuceneInitializerHelper

        public LuceneInitializerHelper​(String name,
                                       Set<String> propertyTypes)
      • LuceneInitializerHelper

        public LuceneInitializerHelper​(String name,
                                       Set<String> propertyTypes,
                                       Set<String> excludes)
      • LuceneInitializerHelper

        public LuceneInitializerHelper​(String name,
                                       Set<String> propertyTypes,
                                       String filePath)
    • Method Detail

      • async

        public LuceneInitializerHelper async​(@NotNull
                                             @NotNull String async)
        will set the async property to the provided value
        async -
      • initialize

        public void initialize​(@NotNull
                               @NotNull NodeBuilder builder)
        Description copied from interface: RepositoryInitializer
        Initializes repository content. This method is called as soon as a repository becomes available. Note that the repository may already have been initialized, so the implementation of this method should check for that before blindly adding new content.
        Specified by:
        initialize in interface RepositoryInitializer
        builder - builder for accessing and modifying repository content