Class TypePredicate

    • Constructor Detail

      • TypePredicate

        public TypePredicate​(@NotNull
                             @NotNull NodeState root,
                             @NotNull String name)
        Creates a predicate for checking whether a node state is an instance of the named node type. This is an O(1) operation in terms of item accesses.
        root - root node state
        name - Oak name of the node type to check for
      • TypePredicate

        public TypePredicate​(@NotNull
                             @NotNull NodeState root,
                             @NotNull Iterable<String> names)
        Creates a predicate for checking whether a node state is an instance of any of the named node types. This is an O(n) operation in terms of item accesses, with n being the number of given node types.
        root - root node state
        names - Oak names of the node types to check for
      • TypePredicate

        public TypePredicate​(@NotNull
                             @NotNull NodeState root,
                             @NotNull String[] names)
        Creates a predicate for checking whether a node state is an instance of any of the named node types. This is an O(n) operation in terms of item accesses, with n being the number of given node types.
        root - root node state
        names - Oak names of the node types to check for