Interface GCMonitor

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Interface Description
      static class  GCMonitor.Empty  
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static GCMonitor EMPTY  
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void cleaned​(long reclaimedSize, long currentSize)
      The cleanup phase of the garbage collection process terminated successfully.
      void compacted()
      The compaction phase of the garbage collection process terminated successfully.
      void error​(String message, Exception exception)
      An error caused the garbage collection process to terminate prematurely.
      void info​(String message, Object... arguments)
      Informal notification on the progress of garbage collection.
      void skipped​(String reason, Object... arguments)
      A garbage collection cycle is skipped for a specific reason.
      void updateStatus​(String status)
      The garbage collection entered a new phase e.g.
      void warn​(String message, Object... arguments)
      Warning about a condition that might have adverse effects on the overall garbage collection process but does not prevent the process from running.
    • Method Detail

      • info

        void info​(String message,
                  Object... arguments)
        Informal notification on the progress of garbage collection.
        message - The message with {} place holders for the arguments
        arguments -
      • warn

        void warn​(String message,
                  Object... arguments)
        Warning about a condition that might have adverse effects on the overall garbage collection process but does not prevent the process from running.
        message - The message with {} place holders for the arguments
        arguments -
      • error

        void error​(String message,
                   Exception exception)
        An error caused the garbage collection process to terminate prematurely.
        message -
        exception -
      • skipped

        void skipped​(String reason,
                     Object... arguments)
        A garbage collection cycle is skipped for a specific reason.
        reason - The reason with {} place holders for the arguments
        arguments -
      • compacted

        void compacted()
        The compaction phase of the garbage collection process terminated successfully.
      • cleaned

        void cleaned​(long reclaimedSize,
                     long currentSize)
        The cleanup phase of the garbage collection process terminated successfully.
        reclaimedSize - number of bytes reclaimed
        currentSize - number of bytes after garbage collection
      • updateStatus

        void updateStatus​(String status)
        The garbage collection entered a new phase e.g. idle, estimation, etc.
        status - short summary of the GC phase