Class RepositoryAddress

  • public class RepositoryAddress
    extends Object
    The repository address locates a jcr repository in with a URI representation. It is composed out of a uri and accepts the following formats:
    • scheme://host:port/
    • scheme://host:port/prefix
    • scheme://host:port/prefix/workspace
    • scheme://host:port/prefix/workspace/jcr_root/path
    • Method Detail

      • getURI

        public URI getURI()
        Returns the uri of this address
        the uri of this address
      • resolve

        public RepositoryAddress resolve​(@CheckForNull
                                         String path)
        Returns a new repository address with the given path.
        path - the path to include in the new address
        a new repository address
      • getWorkspace

        public String getWorkspace()
        Returns the name of the workspace or null if the default workspace is used.
        the name of the workspace or null
      • getSpecificURI

        public URI getSpecificURI()
        Returns the specific part of the uri, i.e. the part that is used to actually connect to the repository
        the specific part
      • getPath

        public String getPath()
        Returns the path to a repository item. If not explicit path is specified by this address the root path '/' is returned.
        the path to a repository item.
      • getCredentials

        public Credentials getCredentials()
        Returns JCR credentials from the URI or null if no user info is specified.
        the creds
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object