Class Property

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class Property
    extends Object
    A property in a Section of a PropertySet.

    The property's ID gives the property a meaning in the context of its Section. Each Section spans its own name space of property IDs.

    The property's type determines how its value is interpreted. For example, if the type is Variant.VT_LPSTR (byte string), the value consists of a DWord telling how many bytes the string contains. The bytes follow immediately, including any null bytes that terminate the string. The type Variant.VT_I4 denotes a four-byte integer value, Variant.VT_FILETIME some date and time (of a file).

    Please note that not all Variant types yet. This might change over time but largely depends on your feedback so that the POI team knows which variant types are really needed. So please feel free to submit error reports or patches for the types you need.

    See Also:
    Section, Variant, [MS-OLEPS]: Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) Property Set Data Structures
    • Constructor Detail

      • Property

        public Property()
        Creates an empty property. It must be filled using the set method to be usable.
      • Property

        public Property​(Property p)
        Creates a Property as a copy of an existing Property.
        p - The property to copy.
      • Property

        public Property​(long id,
                        long type,
                        Object value)
        Creates a property.
        id - the property's ID.
        type - the property's type, see Variant.
        value - the property's value. Only certain types are allowed, see Variant.
      • Property

        public Property​(long id,
                        byte[] src,
                        long offset,
                        int length,
                        int codepage)
                 throws UnsupportedEncodingException
        Creates a Property instance by reading its bytes from the property set stream.
        id - The property's ID.
        src - The bytes the property set stream consists of.
        offset - The property's type/value pair's offset in the section.
        length - The property's type/value pair's length in bytes.
        codepage - The section's and thus the property's codepage. It is needed only when reading string values.
        UnsupportedEncodingException - if the specified codepage is not supported.
      • Property

        public Property​(long id,
                        LittleEndianByteArrayInputStream leis,
                        int length,
                        int codepage)
                 throws UnsupportedEncodingException
        Creates a Property instance by reading its bytes from the property set stream.
        id - The property's ID.
        leis - The bytes the property set stream consists of.
        length - The property's type/value pair's length in bytes.
        codepage - The section's and thus the property's codepage. It is needed only when reading string values.
        UnsupportedEncodingException - if the specified codepage is not supported.
    • Method Detail

      • getID

        public long getID()
        Returns the property's ID.
        The ID value
      • setID

        public void setID​(long id)
        Sets the property's ID.
        id - the ID
      • getType

        public long getType()
        Returns the property's type.
        The type value
      • setType

        public void setType​(long type)
        Sets the property's type.
        type - the property's type
      • getValue

        public Object getValue()
        Returns the property's value.
        The property's value
      • setValue

        public void setValue​(Object value)
        Sets the property's value.
        value - the property's value
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object o)
        Compares two properties.

        Please beware that a property with ID == 0 is a special case: It does not have a type, and its value is the section's dictionary. Another special case are strings: Two properties may have the different types Variant.VT_LPSTR and Variant.VT_LPWSTR;

        equals in class Object
        See Also:
      • write

        public int write​(OutputStream out,
                         int codepage)
                  throws IOException,
        Writes the property to an output stream.
        out - The output stream to write to.
        codepage - The codepage to use for writing non-wide strings
        the number of bytes written to the stream
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs
        WritingNotSupportedException - if a variant type is to be written that is not yet supported