Class RecipientChunks

    • Field Detail


        public static final MAPIProperty RECIPIENT_NAME

        public static final MAPIProperty DELIVERY_TYPE

        public static final MAPIProperty RECIPIENT_EMAIL_ADDRESS

        public static final MAPIProperty RECIPIENT_SEARCH

        public static final MAPIProperty RECIPIENT_SMTP_ADDRESS

        public static final MAPIProperty RECIPIENT_DISPLAY_NAME
      • recipientNumber

        public int recipientNumber
        Our 0 based position in the list of recipients
      • recipientSearchChunk

        public ByteChunk recipientSearchChunk
      • recipientNameChunk

        public StringChunk recipientNameChunk
        The "name", which could be their name if an internal person, or their email address if an external person
      • recipientEmailChunk

        public StringChunk recipientEmailChunk
        The email address of the recipient, which could be in SMTP or SEARCH format, but isn't always present...
      • recipientSMTPChunk

        public StringChunk recipientSMTPChunk
        The smtp destination email address of the recipient, but isn't always present...
      • deliveryTypeChunk

        public StringChunk deliveryTypeChunk
        Normally EX or SMTP. Will generally affect where the email address ends up.
      • recipientDisplayNameChunk

        public StringChunk recipientDisplayNameChunk
        The display name of the recipient. Normally seems to hold the same value as in recipientNameChunk
    • Constructor Detail

      • RecipientChunks

        public RecipientChunks​(String name)
    • Method Detail

      • getRecipientName

        public String getRecipientName()
        Tries to find their name, in whichever chunk holds it.
      • getRecipientEmailAddress

        public String getRecipientEmailAddress()
        Tries to find their email address, in whichever chunk holds it given the delivery type.
      • getProperties

        public Map<MAPIProperty,​List<PropertyValue>> getProperties()
        Description copied from interface: ChunkGroupWithProperties
        Returns all the Properties contained in the Chunk, along with their Values. Normally, each property will have one value, sometimes none, and rarely multiple (normally for Unknown etc). For fixed sized properties, the value can be fetched straight from the PropertyValue. For variable sized properties, you'll need to go via the chunk.
        Specified by:
        getProperties in interface ChunkGroupWithProperties
      • getAll

        public Chunk[] getAll()
      • getChunks

        public Chunk[] getChunks()
        Description copied from interface: ChunkGroup
        Returns the chunks that make up the group. Should certainly contain all the interesting Chunks, but needn't always contain all of the Chunks.
        Specified by:
        getChunks in interface ChunkGroup
      • record

        public void record​(Chunk chunk)
        Called by the parser whenever a chunk is found.
        Specified by:
        record in interface ChunkGroup
      • chunksComplete

        public void chunksComplete()
        Description copied from interface: ChunkGroup
        Called by the parser when all chunks have been found.
        Specified by:
        chunksComplete in interface ChunkGroup