Class FontDetails

  • public class FontDetails
    extends Object
    Stores width and height details about a font.
    • Constructor Detail

      • FontDetails

        public FontDetails​(String fontName,
                           int height)
        Construct the font details with the given name and height.
        fontName - The font name.
        height - The height of the font.
    • Method Detail

      • getFontName

        public String getFontName()
      • getHeight

        public int getHeight()
      • addChar

        public void addChar​(char c,
                            int width)
      • getCharWidth

        public int getCharWidth​(char c)
        Retrieves the width of the specified character. If the metrics for a particular character are not available it defaults to returning the width for the 'W' character.
      • addChars

        public void addChars​(char[] characters,
                             int[] widths)
      • create

        public static FontDetails create​(String fontName,
                                         Properties fontMetricsProps)
        Create an instance of FontDetails by loading them from the provided property object.
        fontName - the font name
        fontMetricsProps - the property object holding the details of this particular font.
        a new FontDetails instance.
      • getStringWidth

        public int getStringWidth​(String str)
        Gets the width of all characters in a string.
        str - The string to measure.
        The width of the string for a 10 point font.